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u shouldnt let being a women make you view yourself as "not as bright"...lol, in all truth, i think theres probably more bright women then there are men

there's been some scientific evidence to support the way that men and women are intelligent in different ways. something to do with us (women) using both sides of the brain simultaneously while men can only use one side at a time.  gives a whole new meaning to 'one track mind'. ;)








:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :cool: :cool:   


honestly, i can see why people like wearing kilts. they're manly as all heck, and you get to carry a purse for all the stuff you want to lug around, only you call it a sporran. i would consider a man-purse, but i just haven't seen any practical designs that are big enough to seem useful. i miss my military uniform. all those big pockets to keep stuff in.

manly is for men insecure in their manliness. i would just as soon walk around with some gucci purse, but they are rather impractical. and i find a kilt too expensive to mail-order the getup. if i however get the chance to travel to scotland in the future, i will most assuredly get one fitted.

So can any of you girls answer the purse thing?


Have you ever wondered about the origin of handbags and purses? Handbags have been essential to daily life ever since people have had something precious to carry around with them and only the items have changed over time. The very first mention in written literature comes from the 14th century, even though Egyptian hieroglyphs show pouches carried around the waist. Bags were attached to what were called "girdles" which were fastened to the waist. Embroidery and jewels adorned these articles and were used to show status - the richer the person, the more elaborate the bag.

In the 16th century, handbags took on more of an air of practicality with the use of everyday materials such as leather with a drawstring fastener on top. During this period, cloth bags were used that were made larger and used by travelers and carried diagonally across the body. The 17th century saw more variety and both fashionable men and women carried small purses with more complex shapes. Young girls were taught embroidery as a very necessary skill to make them marriagable and we see the rise of beautiful and unique stitched artwork in handbags.

Neo-classical clothing became popular in the 18th century with a reduction in the amount of underclothing worn by women. Wearing a purse would ruin the look of this clothing so fasionable ladies started carrying their handbags which were called reticules. Women had a different bag for every occasion and every fashion magazine had arguments on the proper carrying of these purses. In the reticules one would find rouge, face powder, a fan, a scent bottle, visiting cards a card case, and smelling salts.

The term "handbag" first came into use in the early 1900's and generally referred to hand-held luggage bags usually carried by men. These were an inspiration for new bags that became popularized for women, including complicated fasteners, internal compartments, and locks. With this new fashion, jewelers got into the act with special compartments for opera glasses, cosmetics, and fans. The 1920's saw a revolution in fashion with varying hemlines and lighter clothing. Bags no longer needed to match the outfit perfectly and the rage was for the stylish lady to carry a doll dressed exactly like herself, complete with matching bag for her minature companion! The discovery of King Tutankhamun's tomb inspired Egyptian art on purses.

The 1940's saw new austerity in clothing, including handbags with the war effort in mind. Metal frames, zips, leather, and mirrors were in short supply so manufacters used plastic and wood. The 50's saw the rise of important designer houses including Chanel, Louis Vuitton, and Hermes and the 60's saw the breakdown of old notions of the classical and the rise of youth culture.

Copy is the most sincere form of flattery and, if so, Kate Spade, Gucci, Coach and Dior must be very flattered! There are many replica handbags flooding the market (just visit Canal Street in New York City!). Some of these "designer fakes" even carry the label of the Company they are imitating while others just have the signature "C" or "G" without the label. What's in the future of handbags? My personal prediction is more individualized bags and interesting fabrics.


History of Handbags

Have you ever wondered about the origin of handbags and purses? Handbags have been essential to fashion history ever since people have had something precious to carry around with them and only the items have changed over time. The very first mention in written literature comes from the 14th century, even though Egyptian hieroglyphs show pouches carried around the waist. Bags were attached to what were called "girdles" which were fastened to the waist. Embroidery and jewels adorned these articles and were used to show status - the richer the person, the more elaborate the bag.

In the 16th century, handbags took on more of an air of practicality with the use of everyday materials such as leather with a drawstring fastener on top. During this period, cloth bags were used that were made larger and used by travelers and carried diagonally across the body. The 17th century saw more variety and both fasionable men and women carried small purses with more complex shapes. Young girls were taught embroidery as a very necessary skill to make them marriagable and we see the rise of beautiful and unique stitched artwork in handbags.

Neo-classical clothing became popular in the 18th century with a reduction in the amount of underclothing worn by women. Wearing a purse would ruin the look of this clothing so fasionable ladies started carrying their handbags which were called reticules. Women had a different bag for every occasion and every fashion magazine had arguments on the proper carrying of these purses. In the reticules one would find rouge, face powder, a fan, a scent bottle, visiting cards a card case, and smelling salts.

The term "handbag" first came into use in the early 1900's and generally referred to hand-held luggage bags usually carried by men. These were an inspiration for new bags that became popularized for women, including complicated fasteners, internal compartments, and locks. With this new fashion, jewelers got into the act with special compartments for opera glasses, cosmetics, and fans.

The 1920's saw a revolution in fashion with varying hemlines and lighter clothing. Bags no longer needed to match the outfit perfectly and the rage was for the stylish lady to carry a doll dressed exactly like herself, complete with matching bag for her minature companion! The discovery of King Tutankhamun's tomb inspired Egyptian art on purses. The 1940's saw new austerity in clothing, including handbags with the war effort in mind. Metal frames, zips, leather, and mirrors were in short supply so manufacters used plastic and wood. The 50's saw the rise of important designer houses including Chanel, Louis Vuitton, and Hermes and the 60's saw the breakdown of old notions of the classical and the rise of youth culture.

Copy is the most sincere form of flattery and, if so, Kate Spade, Gucci, Hermes, Coach and Dior must be very flattered! There are many replica handbags flooding the market (just visit Canal Street in New York City!). Some of these "designer fakes" even carry the label of the Company they are imitating while others just have the signature "C" or "G" without the label.


Next Question?


i for one never got the purse thing

i cary the whole world in my pockets

digital camera, Wallet(by the way my wallet is an altoids box), my mp3 player tons of pens and pencils,my cologne and deroderant, a book or magazine for when i get bored and a game boy some plastic utensials( why i dont know im peranoid), tons of mints (2 altoids boxes without the one i made into a wallet and icebrackers), gum oh and a multi screwdriver plus my thumb drive

See i can carry all that in my pockets

so y do you guys need purses for?

well, yeah, if you have cargo pants/shorts on.  lotsa pockets.

i can carry a whole lotta stuff without using a purse also....i just have my husb carry it all in HIS pockets.

honestly, i have never needed much of a purse - wallet, lipstick, cell phone, keys and i'm good to go.  of course, our wallets are always bigger than y'all's cause we have all of your money. ;)

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