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Hey I have a kinda wierd question. I have seen 10T-base hubs/switches and 100T-base hubs/switches. Is 10T-base stuff still in use today?? Also if i were to have a lan party i have read on some "LAN PARTY" sites that the best way to connect around 10-16 people. I have seen a diagram that goes from the game server to a 100T switch then to the upload port of a hub. Is this the best way to do this?? or is there a better way?

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Just about anything you buy now will be 100 Mbps... are you running a game server with computers or XBOX ~~ I just had a lan party with 16 people... 4 xboxes 4 people each to a 100Mbps switch/router ... if you have a 4 port router and are going to play with 16 people... I would get a new 16 port router/switch :) and go direct :)

Screw what other people say.. they are retards. :twisted:

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Halo kicks ass!! Have you tried mutiplayer with Rainbow six 3 yet...? That is the sweetest game in the world! I got it for christmas and have been playing online for free non stop. Give it a try i bet you would like it.

Can you be part of the covenant,or just the good guys on space station halo?


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Not really man.. I have modded my XBOX.. and it's part of my home network, I have a streaming video and audio server set up and in my living room though my xbox I choose what I want out of my library of videos and mp3s... I also have every NES,SNES, N64 and sega game made... and all except the N64 games are sitting on my XBOX hard drive... ZERO LOADING, just have to choose the game I want to play.

And yes, there is more... I can type for hours about all the shit I have made my XBOX do ;)

Here is a little bit of info on XBMP one of the media players i use http://www.xboxmediaplayer.de/ ~ you also need RELAX, good dashboard software

but here are some software links http://www.xboxmediaplayer.de/download_files.htm

XBOX eats POOPStation for breakfast, lunch and dinner (and even snacks on them a few times between meals) :lol:

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