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off the top of my noggin i'd say norton is trying to fix the registry settings cablenut tweaked. try running cablenut, saving the settings tyou made (if they were faster than before) to a file. then remove cablenut settings and save to registry (go back to the win defaults). when you reboot norton might not act up because when it compares the registry to the image it took of it (i am inferring that norton made a note of the registry and detected changes and wants to revert them but is running into some problem doing so). if that is the case, turn off the registry monitoring for norton, run cablenut and load the saved file and save it, then reboot. now reactivate the norton registry protection (if that is what it was) and see if it accepts the changed registry as the new standard. (having something monitor the registry is not a bad idea since it can catch malware trying to write itself in).

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i don't run norton and don't currently have a copy of norton or a comp with it installed available. make a new thread titled norton av help or something and see if anyone knows what's up. and i /am/ just guessing that that's what's wrong.

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im 99% sure its not a CableNut/Norton issue, my guess you got some other problem in your registry

i been using Norton/cablenut without any trouble from 2001 to 2005 when i bought a router

NIS 2005 and my router didnt mix, slowdowns and testmy.net mainserver gave me cached results

VanBuren :)

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hey dudes but NORTON ANTIVIRUS is the PREFFERED ANTIVIRUS software of most of all top companies

i heard it that MICROSOFT RECOMMENDS NORTON is it true?????????

  and so why i m keeping my norton antivirus2005!!!!!!!!!!111

Money goes with money! When Norton gave me my second virus that would not let me get my Norton updates(second time around with Norton script) I got AVG Free and vcleaner. If you want my Norton c.d you can have it, think there is some time left on it! Never been sorry.

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