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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/2015 in Posts

  1. It's just that I can take a hint, no matter how subtle... Upload test BUMHO9E <=> Up your Bum Hole.... I can cut back testing if I'm hogging your bandwidth?
    1 point
  2. Sean


    My current fixed wireless ISP Bluebox (Ireland) experiences this issue also, particularly when downloading from UK servers. If I download a large file, I typically get 1MB/s, but if I use a multi-threaded download manager, I can get up to 2MB/s and sometimes higher. From what I heard, Speedtest does a multithread (without saying) and sure enough it reports 15.1Mb/s for me even when I rarely get this on a single transfer. With this site TestMy, I'm getting 8.1Mb/s in the standard download test and 13.2Mb/s in the multithread test using the UK server, which more closely matches my download experience. In the evening, the variation is much greater for me where a multithreaded transfer can be 4 times faster than a single transfer. While this is fine for downloading, it sometimes affects HD playback on streaming services such as YouTube which stream with a single connection. On my workplace DSL connection, I get 11.9Mbps with both the single and multithreaded tests.
    1 point
  3. I foresaw this problem with a project for work, as I was using Base64 encoding on them. So, I wrote my own Base32 implementation pattern: Public Shared Function ToBase32String(ByVal Bytes As Byte()) As String Dim Arr As String = "0123456789bcdfhjkmnpqrtvxyDFGHJLMNPQRTVXY" Dim Result As String = "" Dim BT As Byte() = New Byte(Bytes.Length + (5 - (Bytes.Length Mod 5) - 1)) {} For I As Integer = 0 To Bytes.Length - 1 BT(I) = Bytes(I) Next For Group As Integer = 0 To BT.Length / 5 - 1 Result += Arr((BT((Group * 5)) And &HF4) >> 3) Result += Arr(((BT((Group * 5)) And &H3) << 2) Or ((BT((Group * 5) + 1) And &HC0) >> 6)) Result += Arr(((BT((Group * 5) + 1) And &H3E) >> 1)) Result += Arr(((BT((Group * 5) + 1) And &H1) << 4) Or ((BT((Group * 5) + 2) And &HF0) >> 4)) Result += Arr(((BT((Group * 5) + 2) And &HF) << 1) Or ((BT((Group * 5) + 3) And &H80) >> 7)) Result += Arr(((BT((Group * 5) + 3) And &H7C) >> 2)) Result += Arr(((BT((Group * 5) + 3) And &H3) << 3) Or ((BT((Group * 5) + 4) And &HE0) >> 5)) Result += Arr((BT((Group * 5) + 4) And &H1F) >> 0) Next Return Result.Substring(0, (Bytes.Length * 8 / 5)) End Function(Note: the only usable portion of the Arr is "0123456789bcdfhjkmnpqrtvxyDFGHJL", the rest is there for completeness.) I designed this pattern to avoid the chance for certain, offensive or obscene terms, and avoid characters that are visually similar, as I was generating Base64 from a direct Byte-Array. Now I generate it as a custom Base32 set so that I don't have those issues. Thanks, EBrown
    1 point
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