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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/29/2019 in Posts

  1. CA3LE

    MyResults graph x-axis issue

    Sorry it's taken so long. I responded in my head when your post came in and then never actually responded. Yes, that makes total sense. What's happening is that it's pulling your query and then splitting the download and upload results into two x-axis. Thinking of the programming, there are a few different ways that it can be achieved. I think the most simple would be to alter the rendering JS for the graph and leave the structure of the query alone. So it would enter blank values to match the dates so that both x-axis match up. Right now, if there are less upload than download or less download than upload results it's only graphing the values that exist. So, in short... I'll take care of that for you very soon. Shouldn't be hard to do at all and I agree it would make it easier to understand. ... if you understand the roots of the database structure here, basically if you've visited since the start... it started as the flat (details) below the graph. The graph wasn't added until later... at first it even displayed backwards (that's the default direction for the results from a mysql query).
    1 point
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