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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by Dilatedpeoples28

  1. just chill out man!! ur very smart when it comes to labtops and i agree with u on the fact that u can change the gpu, my friend has a xps gen 2 and he got it right before they came out with the m170 and he was pissed that he didnt get the 7800gtx, so he called up dell and he got it taken care of.
  2. by the way i was talking about u burned the other guy JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. by all means if u want a 15 pound brick that will literally melt ur legs off go for it, The 5720 has the performance of the alienware even tho it might not seem like it.. trust me look at the bechmarks and review (google is ur friend). its a very good alternative to a very heavy, hot and expensive alienware.
  4. FRIED, BURNED any other words???
  5. yea man i just discovered it myself, which i am glad because i was about buy a VERY expensive m170, but now that i kno about the Sager im def going with that. same exact hardware, better support, way cheaper, wut else could u ask for?
  6. :haha: seariously thats not a notebook thats a lightweight desktop, if u want a notebook that will give u the same performance if not better, and is half the weight and size look seariously at the Sager 5720, has the latest everything, and WAY better support than alienware. I would buy an alienware if it was dirt cheap. the 5720 has the EXACT same hardware as the M170 for about 2,000 cheaper. no joke
  7. imo waste of money, especially to play mario, but thats my opinion, people can do wut they want
  8. wait till they get a few more people on his node, i dont think those speeds will stay above or as close to cap, but i can always be wrong.
  9. without any upgrades yes that will be very aged by that time. It is hard to predict where technology will be but if it continues to progress as fast as it is now, it is hard to believe wut will be availible then.
  10. on ur router web page go to the DHCP list and it will list all of the ip's on ur router, when ur ps2 is on it will have another ip there, so just write down the ones that are there before u turn it on and after you turn it on check the list and find the new one and set it to dmz.
  11. your ping time also has alot to do with how close u r to wut ur pinging, i kno i can ping somthing in virginia and get low teens but somthing further away i get about 70.
  12. I have seen some speed test of the people with the adelphia 16/2 service and they were saying they were lucky to get 11mb down even at night, I personally think with that advertised speed on cable is not gonna work out to well. Too much traffic, hopfully it wont be too long before we get some test results for those special people who r testing it.
  13. im not saying anything that has to do with being close to his cap or not im saying in general his advertised speeds(49.95 a month for 1MB/512KB) compared to most rates and adv speeds is slow.
  14. no im sure he means in general a 1mb cap is slow, which nowadays it is very slow.
  15. much more accurate than before with ur 3mb test. but still jumps around.. one test i get 9mb then next one i get 4mb, but average of 6.5mb on 8mb comcast.
  16. EXACTLY we et the point that u get 7mb on speed test, but FFS do a file download and PROOVE US WRONG.
  17. yea its more the opposite
  18. Then y did u say i have 3 pcs on fiber if all u have is one dsl line?
  19. yea joe is most likely on the 10/1 package which OWNS agents 384 upload.
  20. just type in startmovie in the console and endmovie when ur done recording, very good wuality no programs needed.
  21. i use a program called VCDgear which converts bin/cue files into mpeg video files, works great and easy to use. you can download it from www.vcdgear.com, by the war welcome to the site.
  22. i currently have close to ur same settup except with a belkin pre n instead of rangemax, i get constant 7-8mb on the labtop. I ahve the motorola sb5100 so i dont think upgrading ur modem will do it as i have an other one than u, and i get advertised speeds. have u tried direct connecting ur modem to ur pc(wired) to see wat u get, thatway u can narrow down if its ur router or not.
  23. thats very close to ur upload cap dont expect anything higher unless u upgrade.
  24. WOW thats on a 6mb comcast connection u get about the same as me if not a little higher on some sites and im on 8mb comcast. very nice.!!!!
  25. i get way better consistan results from visualware.. 8.3-9.1mb, than from here. From the other site it was about the same as here 4.5mb btw im on Comcast 8/768. o and to dlewis;s site i get about 3-4mb tops.
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