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Everything posted by Dilatedpeoples28

  1. i watched it prolly 10 times then thought to myself y am i still watching this?
  2. i just click on the one i want then hit refresh, then it comes up.
  3. ahhhh my eyes can rest easy.. im not in a hurry to ruin my eyes!!! thanks ca3le!!!!!
  4. like the sounds of that!!!!! nice work!!!!!! :headbang:
  5. to me its a little too "white" if thats the right word. I kinda liked the contrast colors of before. But i always appriciate a change.. nice job keeping the site fresh ca3le!!!
  6. trillian... it has aim yahoo and a couple other IM clients built into one.
  7. thats the only thing i will use, light on the resources and no spyware or viruses at all. i love it.
  8. as said before kaspersky! FTW!!!
  9. i would go with kaspersky, they have never let me down.
  10. the only complant i have is the spoiler.. it looks out of place. lol
  11. y dont u try it out and see!!!!!!!!!! if u dont want to then just stick to firefox like me
  12. if u want the best possible picture then look no further than the CRT's but the LCD's are coming around now with better response times and better contrast ratios, one example of this is the Dell 2405FPW.
  13. Yes DOD does rock, but anyway i tried the program aswell and it doesnt do anything, another way u can do it is click start,run,type "cmd" without the quotes and in the black box type ping(space) then the website. Thats one way to check ur ping.
  14. lol OC a onboard graphics card just the concept seems wrong but its worth a shot if thats all ya got.
  15. wut games will u be playing and wut setting would u like to run them at?
  16. atleast now u have an excuse to upgrade
  17. looks pretty good, the cpu looks good but the 9700 is a little out dated. depending on wut kind of gaming and tasks u will be doing u might want to think of an upgrade as it will acompany that 3700 nicely.
  18. u should be in the mid 5k range not near the 7k range. also ur cpu score is about right for the clock speed u have it running at.
  19. run at 1280x1024 thats default resolution, anything below that wouldnt be "accurate" with others results.
  20. still dont think its worth it as in a couple months nvidia will lauch the 7900's and in a little over a half a year the real next gen will be out. save ur money and wait. A 7800gt will do u just fine in any game untill then. But then again there are the rich people and the people that like to spend money on computer parts whenever they want.
  21. BOO build ur own!!!!
  22. seahawks are looking good, but steelers have the defence to stop their all star offense. Ill be at the same place Pittbull, well not literally.
  23. like i said i wouldnt be set on a concrete answer untill I saw some reall benchies, here are some http://www.hardforum.com/showpost.php?p=1028888072&postcount=19 1900XT beats 7800GTX 512mb in all but a couple tests. Just dont think its worth the price tag, I will be waiting for the r600/g80 lineup later this year. Also when the 7900's come out they will put 1900XT to shame and take the crown back, its a rollercoaster!!!
  24. na i wont say anything with confidence untill we see some realy benchies, but i believe the 1900XT will be slightly better than the 7800gtx 512mb. But not much. Only time will tell tho.
  25. i wanna see the 1900XT vs 7800GTX 512mb, i dont think there would be that much of a difference. I am personally waiting for next gen with direct x 10.
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