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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by Dilatedpeoples28

  1. lol nice catch u beat me to it.
  2. o yea and pay prolly 5 grand for it!!!
  3. i have the same cpu and i got around the same cpu score as u, but ur graphics card isnt that good, my x850Xt was struggling on this test, so i can imagine a 6600 would do terrible. Theres nothing u can do about it but upgrade
  4. still will take awhile. but better than site mirrors.
  5. here try here this is a ftp server som1 put the installer on it ftp://eoc:[email protected]:1113/
  6. check out the torrent, went quite quick for me, its a big file at 580mb tho.
  7. the servers are so flooded i couldnt either, and the ones that could say it was painfully slow, i just used the torrent and got an avg dl speed of 700kb/s which was nice.
  8. man ill tell ya during mine, i didnt even touch 1fps and it TOOK FOREVER to complete, my cpu score was a measly 816 ive seen them as high as 2,000 but i dont kno wut kind of cpu fps they got. cant run the hdr and sm3.0 cuz X850XT only has sm2, wish i could run just the hdr tho.
  9. 3.0ghz p4, 1 gig, X850XT PE, got me a total score of 2068.. man my cpu STRUGGLED through the cpu tests. its was terrible.
  10. ive run it for over a week fine, but i restart about every 3 days or when needed to keep it fresh.
  11. jesus that retarted, were did u buy them from?
  12. 97% constant all around my 6 bedroom house.
  13. yea seahawks are going all the way, no one will stop them.
  14. it is shared but no it does not have bandwidth limitations, also people like it cuz of the low latency.
  15. wireless speeds depends on alot of things, distance, product used, and if they are using encryption of any kind.
  16. it depends, it sometimes stops u from completing a upload test all together. too turn it off right click on the tray icon and there should be a close or shutdown feature.
  17. i use it for my labtop and my sisters, for gaming my xbox360 and desktop are both wired.
  18. HAHAHAHAHA :haha: :haha: thats a real good reason
  19. they all three do the same basic thing, a matter of fact alienware takes the sager notebooks, just puts a different shell on it, sells them way overpriced and to top it off gives worse costomer support than sager. So i would really like to kno how voodoo and Sager are bad.
  20. open up the case and look on the side or back of the power supply it should say somwhere on it what the wattage is.
  21. As for the best video card our right now it would either be http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814143044 or http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814121213 as for your friend yes the 6600 will work, just make sure his power supply is atleast a 300w one too make sure
  22. when is that supposed to happen?
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