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Everything posted by Dilatedpeoples28

  1. http://media.putfile.com/stevie_starr if uve seen it before sorry, just wanna know wut u guys think about it.
  2. no, u can download a free version of each, they have limited functionality, not all the test, but still gives u the main score. 3dmark05 http://www.majorgeeks.com/download4376.html 3dmark06 http://www.majorgeeks.com/3DMark06_d4935.html
  3. thats with 3dmark2000? , might want to try 3dmark05 or 06 to get a better result, and too see wut ur computer can do wit modern games.
  4. he asked... i answered
  5. no, u have to download the demo to play on the demo servers as vice versa.
  6. its just a multiplayer demo of BF2, lets u play only one map in servers.
  7. u should use drivercleaner http://www.drivercleaner.net/professional.html to get rid of everything ATI on ur computer, download the omega drivers to ur desktop, reboot, then just install the omega's, then reboot again, try that.
  8. I dont know why its not increasing the fan speed when u play games, but it shouldnt be effecting it that much, can u try and see if it makes a difference on another game? the best thing i can recommend at the moment is too try the new heatsink, it probably cheaper than the new psu, i dont really think the psu u have now is causing the problem. wut psu were u looking at getting?
  9. if their name comes up as red writing then shoot him, if blue, its ur teammate, no matter wut team u r on.
  10. there is no need to give up on ur rig, it is capable of running the latest games at decent framerates, i think the best thing to do would to be to buy that heatsink u found, and see if that does the job, if it doesnt come with some thermal paste then i suggest u get some artic silver 5 thermal compund as it is pretty much the best and its cheap. To get the thermal paste off ur cpu after u take the old heatsink off, just take some rubbing alchohol and a cloth and it will come right off.
  11. thats most likley a cached result frodo, clear your cache and turn off any web accelerators that u may have and retest.
  12. i realize this, the heatsinks that fit on the LGA-775 sockets also fit on 478 socket, there is a better selection for the LGA-775 socket. also all of the heatsinks come with different mounting brackets so they fit on the amd 939 socket and the intel sockets.
  13. yea it said there will be too different servers, one for retail people and one for demo people.
  14. i kno it was pricey, but i thought it was worth it as i wasnt sure if any other would work properly. as for the heatsink, just go into the details of each on from the thermaltake site and it gives u the demensions, i dont think u should have any problems except with the blue orb, or the big typhoon.. cuz they are HUGE!!
  15. forget the one above unless ur looking for somthing light on ur wallet and ok performance, if ur looking for somthing better look here http://www.thermaltake.com/product/Cooler/Socket_775/socket_775_index.html , to tell u the truth though, since u cant overclock the first one woruld be sufficient in the fact that it wont be overheated too much.
  16. yea just recently i upgraded to a 850XT PE and http://www.pcpowercooling.com/products/viewproduct.php?show=S47D that psu as it was made to work with the 4600 mobo and case. everything works perfect for me. look above in last post for heatsink.
  17. have the same case and most likely the same fan, but the difference is when mine is under a load it does increase in RPMs, this definetly effects performance as the cpu will overheat without sufficient cooling, if the fan is not working correctly then i suggest u just get a new and probably better heatsink/fan, that should solve ur problem. just took a quick look on newegg, this one looked like the best.. not much selection http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16835119058
  18. if this http://www.tomshardware.com/2006/02/21/a_look_at_amds_socket_am2_platform/page9.html is any idea of wut the am2 socket will be compared to current gen cpus, then there sint much too look forward to from AMD, the credibility of it isnt great and it may be too soon to tell the true result, but its still somthing to get u thinking.
  19. 100fps faster? id like too see proof of that, the only benchmarks ive seen show it 20% better,http://www.anandtech.com/tradeshows/showdoc.aspx?i=2713&p=3. Im not saying the conroe wont stomp any amd getting ready to be released i just think ur numbers are a bit off. Aswell as the release date, it definetly wont be out in a month or too, look early Q3 for it to be released.
  20. i wasnt here last friday so i couldnt join, but i should be home this friday to have some fun!!
  21. jees yet another line? r u dropping one for fios or just adding one? lucky u!!!
  22. i used to be able to get to it everytime on 8mb comcast, not anymore, i think ca3ble changed it.
  23. look at any of the reviews, the 7900gtx is basically even with the 1900XTX, getting higher in a couple of games. Not worth the money at this point. Im gonna wait till the series 8 cards with dx10 are out, as those will have significant performance gains.
  24. would it have killed them to do 16/2? jees still gotta give us as little upload as possible!!
  25. http://www.crystalxp.net/galerie/en.id.130.htm maybe that? it is the whole package.
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