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Everything posted by Dilatedpeoples28

  1. o yea thats were it was tomshardware.com thanks kamil
  2. ive heard that some of the nat firewalls in different routers wont let them conect to each other. Ive had the same problem with a few people.
  3. I downloaded that overlcocking video from some site, i cant for the life of remember it tho. sorry, if i do ill be sure to post if no already did.
  4. yea but people still sell packaged non used computers for the same price
  5. casper yang u have to tell us wut kind of connection u have and wut ur adviritesed speeds r to start with. Also post a speed test result from this site. then we can help more
  6. for me and some others it seems like speakeasy is better
  7. build some kind of container that houses liquid nitrogen for it to sit in LOL.
  8. I figured people would look at that picture and say its BS, did u read the website hyperspace? Not saying I TOTALLY believe it but they have some interesting pics and data that u should look at, might change ur mind.
  9. When i test from speakeasy my download is alot more constant toward my cap, on testmy it fluctuates alot more. The upload is the same for both, as close to my cap as possible.
  10. thats pretty DAM SWEET :headbang:
  11. y do u wish u had dsl? they dont offer anything better than 768 up.
  12. no offense but verizon workers have been working in my neighborhood for months now, and even people the next street down already have fios but my street and the one up from me still doesnt have it. but hopefully ull be more lucky than me.
  13. sounds interesting, i wish i could put my self to sleep somtimes.
  14. either falcon or voodoo.
  15. Ive tried moving my modem around and Ive found that it only works at the one wall jack that it was installed at. The one i tried to plug into was active but only for tv cable. How many connections are u paying for right now? If its one than u cant split the connection between 2 modems only with a router. As far as a wireless network, there are so many wireless g based routers i wont even begin to name them. U can really count on all of the companies to give u a good wireless connection if ur xbox isnt that far away from ur router.
  16. Do u pay for 2 connections 1 for your comp and one for your xbox? cux thats wut it sounds like. Just a hint it would be way worth your while to just get a router. unless u want a seperate connection. thats how i run my xbox live so I dont kno wut to tell u.
  17. Krazyrag make sure to use the 35% off notebooks coupon. CSFNLP484P73S6 expires in 2 days but in 3 a new one will be up. Good choice with room to upgrade.
  18. As of now Sony is planning on a Spring 2006 released date not 2007
  19. Quality and performance wise from wut I know they are pretty close to top of the line. They are however very expensive, and I have heard some bad remarks about their customer service. Depends on wut ur looking for. Notebook or desktop. I dont kno how savy u r with computers, but building a computer urself is ALOT less than alienware.
  20. pretty awesome shit man, wut did u use to capture ur footie?
  21. The topic says "very slow connection" I personally dont see anything slow about that connection. You should be happy u have the 15/2 connection. But none the less people want there connection at their caps. So maybe try cablenut with the 15/2 fiber file. Keep trying a different times of day too. Hope this helps
  22. Krazyrag if u think like that you will be waiting and deciding FOREVER. Cuz the fact is once u buy a new top of the line computer the next month a new technology of somthing fast has come out. So it would be better just to buy one now or wait untill more 64bit notebooks come out. I havent seen a amd notebook that has evevrything top of the line like the Xps gen 2.
  23. Wicked rain i dont kno wtf ur talking about a go6800 vs. x600???????? u gotta be kidding me, 6800 would SMOKE IT in doom 3 and everything else. That is saying that both notebooks have similar cpu's and ram
  24. As far as the hdd MS says they r gonna come out with a 40 gig or 80 gig for xbox 360, not 260 gig tho. they r differnt size hdd than ur normal pc hdd. 2.5inch, which u can buy on a website or store but getting it to fit and work with the xbox 360 is another story. Also i believe it is windows BASED
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