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Everything posted by Dilatedpeoples28

  1. wow if ur making fun of that other post than just keep in mind that every1 isnt as smart others. there was a time when u and i didnt kno anything.
  2. Why do u say theres a catch, that cpu has been out for a while now and heard nothing but awesome things about it. incredible power with the dual cores.
  3. I used to think that exact same thing, but when i did the kaspersky online snanner and it found 23 threats that Nod32 did find, I have to say that for me Kaspersky is def the best.
  4. I was on a flight to canada on Air Canada and they had wireless internet availible. It is 802.11B so all u need is a wireless nic card to get the signal. No bluetooth. The connection was pretty lousy as u would suspect from a satilite.
  5. seariously who would pick an option for a lower upload, makes no sense because every1 wants the fastest possible.
  6. I did, well on my sisters computer, just a few (2,000) threats, not viruses, but still AVG didnt pick up a single one. I am a Kaspersky fan for life now.
  7. thats wut i was looking at but i read that it fails some trojan test?
  8. just wondering, wut firewall are u guys running with KAV cuz i heard a few r non-compatible. Thanks
  9. Notice how it says 993% faster than avergade host for (COMCAST.NET) definetly a chached result, clear ur cache then restest.
  10. ud be very suprised at how many are planning on buy the 399 insted of the 299, and if u look at all the things ur getting in the premium package, go buy those individually and it will cost u 2 times more than with the package.
  11. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 7580 Kbps about 7.6 Mbps (tested with 5248 kB) Download Speed is:: 925 kB/s Tested From:: http://mirror.technology-zone.net Test Time:: Bottom Line:: 135X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.11 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 76.98 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-KD5HQC3W1'>https://testmy.net/stats/id-KD5HQC3W1 :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 737 Kbps about 0.7 Mbps (tested with 579 kB) Upload Speed is:: 90 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1) Test Time:: Sun Sep 18 09:05:00 EDT 2005 Bottom Line:: 13X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 11.38 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 107.61 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-1JUBA0PZ6
  12. IMO the 399 package is a hell of a deal. If u play on xbox live and do other stuff than play games every once and a while then i would recommend going for it. It comes with
  13. "lord i appolagize" DAM i love larry
  14. FINALLY i know when!!!!!!
  15. keep testing u might get different results, much like this site
  16. Then ur airfare is gonna be pretty close to wut mine was, if u got the money than i recommend going through the agency they work with, makes things alot easier.
  17. there are PLENTY of programs out there that are way better, and free
  18. Just wondering any one out there attended this forum in the past?
  19. no that price is for the tuition only, room/board food, airfair u will have to book urself. I did mine with the travel agency that they are affiliated with. Since u have to arrive there at a certain time and depart at a certain time. They book my flights at the exact right times and everything. It will cost u more to go through them, or u can just go on a website, and get a cheaper price, usually. And yes u will DEFINETLY want a camera of some sort, because u will see speakers and u will visit San Fran, and Sants Cruz, u will really regret it if u dont bring one. It is pretty expensive, but the experience along was well work the price. Depending on where u live, the airfare will be more expensive, like for me i live in MD so that arcross the whole nation, so on a website it was about 300, but through the agency it was about 350.
  20. O MAN!!!! I this post is gonna be long, but very beneficial to u. I attended that forum for technology in silicon valley for 2005 summer. I presume you have one for 2006 summer. I just recieved my invitation back as an alumni. Ok first off, it was A BLAST. its not all boring technology stuff. Infact most of it is fun tech based stuff that u will love. I live in Maryland, so it was a LONG flight to silicon valley, by myself, but that didnt bother me. When u get to ur hotel, there is 2 hotels u will be staying at either the Fairmont or the Hilton. I was in the Hilton which i think was better because I only had 1 room mate. Most people in the Fairmont had 2 other room mates. Back to when u get to the hotel, u sign in and get ur room key and everything, then u go to a seprate ballroom where u meet you "tech" talk leader. The tech talk meetings are 2 times a day, one in the morning, one at night. U become very close with the people in ur tech talk group. When u meet your tech talk leader, u get alot of info on the rules, a map of the area u will be staying, a journal that u have to right in seldumly. Then u go to the computer lab where u go through and prioritize the places u want to visit during your site visits. It is different companys that you can visit. Now i will tell you that u most likely will not get your first choice as there will be about 1,600 other students there. But the companies that u can visit are great, when i went i got to go to Nvidia, which was AWESOME. As u can imagine. Also on most of the site visits u get some free stuf, nothing major like a GPU or anything, although if u visted Sandisk they handed out 256meg mp3 players. Then you prioritze your seminars, which is basically a speaker talking to you about that topic that was assigned to you. They might be boring if u pick a seminar that u arent interested in. Every other day or so u will go to the civil auditorium where u will have the Keynote speaker, which is a bigname speaker that talks to the entire mass of students. When i went they had Jarron Lanier, Shawn Fanning, which he is not a good speaker, lol. And 2 others. Now on to the hotels. Each one has a Gaming lab with decent computers where last year most of the people played UT2004. They have a Mac computer lab, a networking computer lab, which is REALLY fun because that is where u build a network then test it for its security and basically it always ends up that u DESTROY the computers with viruses and tojans and anything u can think of. Also they ahve a regular computer lab for email and research and IM. When you eat, it is all Buffet style, like u pick up a plate move down the line pick wut u want. As for food quality its ok. not the greates tho. Although there are PLENTY of food places to go to in the perimeter. One of the main reasons for your tech talk groups is about half way through u will begin your "future solutions" projects. Where you will take a current problem, research it, come up with a good solution to that problem. Then present you solution on a poster board and in a Flash animation. You will work in groups of about 8 or so, so u wont be working alone. The second to last day is when u present your projects to judges and they will score u and there is different rounds that u can make it to or not make it. Overall the project is easy, but time is an issue as we were scambling to finish on the last day. Now for the clothing. When u got to the site visits or seminars u have to wear wits called "relaxed professional" which is like slacks and a polo shirt. Then there is casual which is at night and when ur not anywhere special. Then the only day you HAVE to have a suit, or jacket is on the presentation day of ur projects. No big deal cuz its onlly about half a day. As I was told by many staff members during my trip u will get out of this program wut u put in. As in there are Peer 2 Peer seminars which is another student teaching u guys about anything really. If you take the time to visit these, then u will get alot more out of the program. I had a really great time and got alot out of the program. I recommend going to the NYLF website, www.nylf.org/tech, as this is where u can find out ALOT of info that u will need. I highly recommend u go, its a blast. I might be going back this year for my second time, because alumni get special privilages, . Feel free to poast any questions u have about the program, i check this site daily, and iw ill most certainly be able to answer any question u have. I hope this helps ur decision. It was just great that I could share my experience with somone on this site thats going. Feel free to post questions or anything, c ya
  21. yea no kidding, the new cheating thing thats going around in H2 is network bridging, and then they use programs to give them selfs host and then boot people out of the games by their ip's. FAGS!!!!!! who the hell thinks of this crap!!!!!!
  22. yes the Pre-N wireless adapter is G for sure.
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