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Posts posted by dn0

  1. 100 Percent agree!! I feel horid and so sorry about it. Just glad you caught. Flipping hackers.

    And the reason I caught it was because it sounded like exactly what I needed to fix the Firefox memory problem I have on my home PC.

    I have two work notebooks on which I use FF daily, and they have no memory problem whatsoever.

    I can't find any difference in any setting on any of the 3.

    edit: FF process at 102,000K and climbing.......

  2. Welcome to the forum, ECSCOM.

    From what I know about dual WAN routers, you will not necessarily get twice the speed.

    The reason for this is that when you are running a speed test, you are downloading from one single source.

    Your PC is only able to make one connection at a time to any one single source.

    So if you have 2 seperate WAN connections at your location (i.e. 2 modems, or 2 ds1's), the single download will only run on one at a time.

    And on a side note - CAPS LOCK = YELLING!

    Not a big deal, but it is more polite to use only lower case if you don't like using the shift button.

    Someone will probably come along and explain this dual WAN thing better than I can, hopefully.

    And, once more, WELCOME TO THE FORUM. (sorry, I am kidding with you)  :grin2:

  3. Source: http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/10/19/cyber.threats/index.html

    WASHINGTON (CNN) -- About 140 foreign intelligence organizations are trying to hack into the computer networks of the U.S. government and U.S. companies, a top counterintelligence official said.


    Groups from around the globe are trying to hack into U.S. computer networks, a top counterintelligence official says.

    Joel Brenner, the national counterintelligence executive, told CNN it is not accurate to blame only the Chinese government for recent penetrations of government computer systems.

    "We get intrusions from all point of the compass. It is really misleading to focus on one country," he said. "They are coming from everywhere now. It is a pervasive problem."

    Because it's easy for hackers to disguise where an attack originates, Brenner said, the best course of action is to tighten up one's own networks rather than to place blame.

    The nation's electronic systems are too easy to hack, and the number of world-class hackers is "multiplying at bewildering speed," he said at a symposium on cyber security Friday.

    That, he said, has transformed the nature of counterintelligence: "If you can exfiltrate massive amounts of information electronically from the comfort of your own office on another continent, why incur the expense and risk of running a traditional espionage operation?"

    Brenner warned that hackers could create chaos by manipulating information in electronic systems the government, military and private industry rely on.

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    "Our water and sewer systems, electricity grids, financial markets, payroll systems, air and ground traffic control systems ... are all electronically controlled, electronically dependent, and subject to sophisticated attacks by both state-sponsored and freelance terrorists," he said.

    A coordinated cyber attack launched against Estonia last spring will not be the last one against a nation state, he said. "We had better heed the warning. We have got to do a better job of protecting our networks and thwarting adversary cyber intrusions."

    Brenner said the matter is getting serious attention at the highest level of the federal government.

    The government must develop a better system for warning the private sector and universities about attacks, he said, and some laws might need to change: "We've got to rethink the adequacy of our legal authorities to deal with the cyber thieves and the vandals who I call the Barbary pirates of the 21st century." E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

  4. 100% agree with Teddy on that one.

    By the way, and hopefully slightly on topic, I was curious about that deal the other day about the non-American that flew the Mexican Flag above the US flag at a restaurant, I believe, and I found this on the laws of our land:

    © No other flag or pennant should be placed above or, if on the

    same level, to the right of the flag of the United States of America,

    except during church services conducted by naval chaplains at sea, when

    the church pennant may be flown above the flag during church services

    for the personnel of the Navy. No person shall display the flag of the

    United Nations or any other national or international flag equal, above,

    or in a position of superior prominence or honor to, or in place of, the

    flag of the United States at any place within the United States or any

    Territory or possession thereof: Provided, That nothing in this section

    shall make unlawful the continuance of the practice heretofore followed

    of displaying the flag of the United Nations in a position of superior

    prominence or honor, and other national flags in positions of equal

    prominence or honor, with that of the flag of the United States at the

    headquarters of the United Nations.

    Pretty straight forward and easy to understand to me. I did not need to look this up, it is common freakin' sense. If I, God forbid, had to move to someone else's country, then I could not be either arrogant or ignorant enough to place the US Flag over theirs.

    Source: http://www.access.gpo.gov/uscode/title4/chapter1_.html

    And, more specifically: http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=browse_usc&docid=Cite:+4USC7

    EDIT, just found a video about the Flag incident:


  5. nice view. hope i can visit the place soon. what has to offer?

    Everything outdoors.

    Camping, fishing, boating.

    This is just North of the Sun Valley Ski area, by about an hour.

    The lake is beautiful, 5 miles long about a mile wide and 300 feet deep surrounded by the Sawtooth Mountains.

    Below is a photo from the a spot called Galena Summit on the way to Redfish Lake.

    The lake would be in the right center of this photo.

  6. smilies aren't broken...huh?? were they?? i missed it...they're fine now

    Hmm, sorry TMama, I opened TMN up in IE and the smileys work fine, but in Firefox, they don't for me.

    It very well could be a major malfunction on my end, of course, today is one of those days...

    Will try clearing cache, etc...

  7. if you'd learned to type with your nose or a stick in your mouth it woulkda been done a long time ago...  :evil6:

      yeah, dammit, you could stick a couple pencils up yer nose and do it that way, whats ammata wit ya?  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:  I could see it now, you'de look like the roadrunner tryin to peck the pile of food off the middle of the road  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

    hahahah, get better dude!  :haha: :haha:

    No mercy here.... :haha: (smileys are broken)

  8. Smokey and the Bandit.

    Or BJ and the Bear.

    Or Jake and the Fat Man.

    Starsky and Hutch.

    Simon and Simon. (tuff, but a good one)

    Crocket and Tubbs (favorite).

    How many people here would know all of these pairs if there was not a recent movie remake of some of the originals?

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