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Everything posted by resopalrabotnick

  1. yeah, seems like nowadays as soon as you hook up your computer to the web it's like putting your picknick table under a hornets nest. too many people with too much time on their hands, i guess.
  2. well, the higher octane being better is relative. i know that in my ford explorer 4.o v6 multifuel i cannot use higher than 87 because that actually causes a loss of power, the engine being set up for just that due to the multifuel. some engines don't much care what they get, even most engines reccing premium will run on regular, they will adjust the spark timing etc. for the fuel, but with a loss of power. a few engines however will note the increased octane of higher qual fuel (in most cases turbos or supercharged engines, since they can actually influence the comnpression ratio by adjusting the boost) and gain power. but those are few and far between, and if you own one of those, you don't care about gas prices anyhow.
  3. well, the microwave is just the place to permanently erase cd and dvd media. just keep it to a few secs, to not hurt the microwave. once the foil goes all fragmented it's dead. permanently. best data wipe ever. and the hd. hm, you have a shooting range near you? give it to them good ol boys and see if they can't perforate it for you. NRA rules!
  4. http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=7452.msg71901#msg71901
  5. maybe put something on the homepage. maybe along the lines of: yes, we know you can post cached results. very good. you are user number 3657 to figure this out. here's your cookie. now go play.
  6. got to local auto shop and dissect it with a plasma cutter... make a clean cut and you can hang a cross-sectioned drive on your wall.
  7. glad peeps here are more civilized than those repeatedly reposting that pic. doh!
  8. i rest my case. good job!
  9. right, the batf license. live in pr, that's why the latin american model multifuel engine, too bad most of the sugarcane production here has gone down the tubes, otherwise building a still might really be a good idea with current gas prices. and before you saywell don't drive an suv then, well, the roads here are so bad that the only way to avoid frequent repairs /is/ to drive an suv. bad roads in this case meaning waterfilled potholes bigt enough that i managed to get a ford explorer stuck in one. on a public, paved road. un-frickin-believable.
  10. how do people actually fall for these things? In order to operate the PayPal service and to reduce the risk of fraud, PayPal Corp. will ask you monthly to provide us information about yourself and your credit card and/or bank account. The Privacy Policy describes the information we collect and how we use that information. Unable to do so may result to abnormal account behavior during transactions and a suspended account. PayPal is committed to handling your customer information with high standards of information security. Your credit card and bank account information are stored only in encrypted form on computers that are not connected to the Internet. We restrict access to your personally identifiable information to employees who need to know that information in order to provide products or services to you. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your nonpublic personal information. We test our security systems regularly and also contract with outside companies to audit our security systems and processes.
  11. you will still be able to play wolf. but onl9ine you will have an hours lag if you don't update your system.
  12. precisely. if the service goes south without any change at your end odds are good they are having a hangup somewhere. doesn't hurt to ask before you drive yourself nuts troubleshooting something you have no way of dealing with. i have learned this lesson the hard way, and now my first troubleshooting step in anything related to a service provided by someone else is to reach for the phone.
  13. call your provider helldesk, see if there isn't someone standing there with an unplugged cable in his hand at their end.
  14. buy cpu in a box, the flavor that comes with cooler. last intel cooler i heard was nice 'n quiet.
  15. if the mb supports dual channel ram get 2 ram sticks.
  16. hm, i see the chat mostly empty or 1 or 2 people on. is there a tumbleweed theme?
  17. whatever juice is cheapest. that being said, i own the explorer with the 4 liter gasohol capable engine. anyone know of a cheap still i could buy?
  18. your anger is maybe well placed, you expected more speed, but then look at the people that need something faster than dialup and live out in the sticks. they would be happy to triple their speed, if they need it badly enough.
  19. what do you mean, give it up. THIS GUY SAYS MY TiVo MIGHT BLOW UP OR SOMETHING.
  20. i was at my grandmas birthday in germany. my aunt arrived later, said she'd heard something on the news about twin engine plane hittingf office building in NY. went on wap, found pretty much the same thing. then my then fiance called me, telling me that one of the towers had collapsed. flipped to cnn, saw what happened. on the footage of the palestinians celebrating in the streets my younger sister started crying on the balcony of the appartment, thinking dubya was gonna nuke them for it.
  21. yeah, y2k was a problem because it had the potential to affect the processing of information due to the reasons we all know, but this thing, some clocks maybe being off by about an hour, and that only until a herd of nerds runs through the datacenter resetting clocks ( i know it would be done from central control, couldn't resist the herd of nerds). see yas! NerdHerder
  22. saw a blurb in the paper yesterday, the time change will be the end of the world just like y2k. lol, still bs.
  23. went and made sure i had flash 7. had done this before, dl'ed new version of macromedia. turns out it never took, the files my comp was using were still the 6.0's. finally got the 7 in. now it works. horay for me.
  24. even the demo on their site don't work.
  25. i'm not being negative, just niggling.
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