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Everything posted by ratchet

  1. I'd uninstalled OpenOffice months ago, however, every time I do some sort of malware scan I see OO files are still there. So I'm boared the night before last and use Unlocker to delete them even though I'm warned that deleting them may harm other applications. Well, since I booted up last evening I'm unable to access my broadband service. This is not a service provider problem, I know I did it! The stupdist thing I've done though is keeping my XP restore to like 1 or 2 % so there was only the restore after I'd unlocked the files for deletion! I'm an idiot (at work by the way) and would appreciate your help, thank you!
  2. More info on this! Memory usage remained low until I did a speed test with a java applet running. After the test went back up to 59K. Have been back to normal after a reboot for over an hour now. Could the java app be the source of this memory leak?
  3. I apparently resolved the issue! The other morning, while I was drinking my coffee before I left for work, I'd run ewidow, Spyware Doctor (a license from work, update it but keep it turned off), and Spy Sweeper, all in Safe Mode and they all came up 0! Now I just did it again in safe mode including NOD32 this time. I always use the Scan&Clean mode. I came back in the room in a short time, definitely sooner than a Nod32 scan generally takes, and it was shut down! Apparently whatever it found and removed (I haven't checked the log) also shut Nod32 down also. All I know is explorer.exe is now only using 19,000 of memory. I'd run NOD32 several times trying to find a problem, however, I'd never done in Safe Mode. Just checked it again before this post, still 19K!
  4. OK folks, so maybe you can help! Check out my thread here: http://forum.ccleaner.com/index.php?showtopic=6812
  5. I've tamed it for now by stopping and then restarting it!
  6. When I view it using SysInternals Process Explorer, it appears to be the sum of all my running tray apps, e.g. ewido, Nod32, Spy Sweeper, Zone Alarm, Weather Pulse, etc. Perhaps I'm interpreting incorrectly, however.
  7. 60,000k memory on my home XP pc but only uses 6,000 on a W2000 pc at work? Do you think I have a problem? Thank You!
  8. So dlewis23, this is my email and their response from last night: I test my speeds at several sites each morning around 5:00AM, when traffic is low. Last week the internet was down for around 12 hours while they were "switching channels". Prior to this change, downloads averaged between 4 and 5 Mbps during low traffic periods and were normally above 2Mb/3Mb during the evening. Since Thursday 9/7, morning speeds sometimes haven't reached 2Mbps nor even 1Mb during the evening. My pc has no malware of any kind and is running normally. Do you know if this is just a temporary situation? The overall stability of the service is fine by the way. Thank You, I didn't tell them I had two good mornings! Their response: We are not aware of any issue that should be affecting your service for this period of time. If you could, please call in to our technical support help desk so that we may help troubleshoot the issue. Our telephone number and hours of operation are 1-877-486-4666 Monday - Friday 8am - Midnight Saturday - 8am - 10pm Sunday - 2pm - 10pm My speeds right now (early evening, moderate to heavy traffic) are averaging over 5Mbps at every site I test. Do you suppose someone actually forwarded my observation to someone higher up? Since my speeds were good Sunday and Monday morning I'll save the celebrating for now and keep you posted! Thank You!
  9. At work, will do tonight, thanks!
  10. My provider is Armstrong Cable. Compared to the big boys they are small time, however, they actually have a pretty good track record in the industry, providing service in Western PA, Eastern OH and WV. So I come downstairs to check the ball scores around 3:00AM on 9/14 and the internet is down but the TV signal is fine. I'm off work that day so I finally break down and call service around 9:00. The tech guy informs me, without explanation, that yes our section of town is down. Around noon I see a cable guy down town so I ask him about it and he said they were switching channels and had to change a lot of filters. Service came back on around 3:00PM. I test my speeds all the time at several sites between 5 and 6:00AM and I'm always around 4.5Mbps to 6Mbps (advertise is 5Mbps). It does drop off in the evenings between 2 and 3Mbps. Friday, Saturday, Tuesday, Wednesday and today I barely reach 2Mbps, but speeds were normal Sunday and Monday mornings (this really has me confused!). Modem signals are normal and I have no malware. I emailed support last night and they said they were not aware of any issues during that time period and to schedule service ...blah blah blah. The only other thing I can think of is the fact that we have had a lot of rain lately, however like I said the modem signals are quite normal. Any theories? Thank You!
  11. I searched .ico and it didn't show it, although it does show it in the icon folder. It's just that when you highlight and apply it, the icon becomes the control panel icon and not the one selected. May be because I have them set at a none standard size or something according to php's post above. I installed it from php's file so I'm good to go anyway!
  12. So thanks to php, I do have the icon I wanted to use, however, the question begs to be asked! Why do several of us have it missing? I had tried the Tweak UI repair to no avail.
  13. That did php! Thank You!
  14. Apparently we don't either! A case of false icontizing by MS!!!
  15. I keep all my utilities in a desktop folder. When I choose the "Hammer Screw Driver" icon through Properties>Customize>Change Icon it changes the folder icon to the Control Panel icon. I've tried a dozen other ones as a test and every one works! What has happened to that icon and how can I repair it? Thank You!
  16. A lot of programs you already use may do this. If I'm in a hurry, I'll use CCleaner, because I keep it in my quick launch bar, however, it only removes them. I prefer Windows Defender (Tools), because you can either disable or remove, although I need to open the program when I want to use it since I only keep it updated and periodically scan with it. If you only disable and find out a program isn't working correctly, you can go back and enable it. If you don't have WD installed, check all your utilities because they rap this capability (to disable or remove startup progs) in lots of cleaners/anti malware programs.
  17. What setting in ZoneAlarm Pro is preventing the download test at this site? I noticed someone else mentioned this the other day. http://www.speedtest.net/index.php
  18. Sorry! I was trying to edit!
  19. So, some of you may have seen my post in "Help With Other Stuff" about my Weather Pulse desklet temperature image wakening my monitor every time the temperature changes. I'm looking at a thread from January on their support forum about the desklet temp not showing the same as the system tray is showing. The developer or monitor suggests making sure one has the latest: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/directx/default.mspx Now I realize this is almost the opposite of my problem, but I'm reaching by now, so what the heck, I download and install on my basic two year old 2.8gig Pentium 4, 1gig ram, Dell. Wow, I can't believe how much faster my pc is. I use the TCP Optimizer auto settings, FireTune and Fasterfox. I have know idea whether those three oppose or compliment each other by the way! My ISP advertises up to 5MB download, however, I only ever get those speeds early in the morning. During heavy traffic I can drop below 3. Not tonight! 4+ everywhere I test, a couple 5s also. Web pages are just flying open. Is this really possible or just a coincidence? This definitely happened right after the install though!
  20. Thanks for the replies dlewis23!!!
  21. I haven't tried that experiment. However, let me ask you this: I have an LCD monitor. At one time it was not good for a CRT to just have one image showing for a long time, however, with later technology, I believe that was no longer an issue. Does it make any difference if this LCD were to show the desktop for long periods? Thank You!
  22. Unless I set the shutdown time really low, like five minutes, it really only arbitrarily shuts the monitor off, e.g. 20 minutes might take 35. Even set at five took over eight. When I test it at one minute it works great. I have a theory! I have a program called Weather Pulse and have enabled a Desklet temperature window that displays on the Desktop. I believe it checks the Weather Channel for data every five minutes and perhaps my pc senses this as the monitor being in use and restarts the time line every time it checks the WC. Appreciate any thoughts!
  23. I purchased a 19", CTL with built in speakers months ago, from newegg and absolutely love it. I looked at several things: Warranty (three year, no hassle), Dead Pixel Warranty (30 day), Connection Types, View Angle, Response Time and Cabinet Color (black)! For some reason they haven't been selling CTLs lately. The pixel thing is supposed to be a crap shoot, so get one with a dead pixel warranty, otherwise you may end up with eight dead pixels the rest of its life.
  24. Everything works fine! I just wanted an explanation. Thanks All!
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