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Everything posted by wyantm06

  1. Sweet!! Thanks guys
  2. I got a DVR and external only allows FAT32 it says...Wow...This blows...So I can only have a 32GB DVR...How sweet, maybe like a few movies...
  3. Ok I been trying everything. No luck in formatting to FAT32!! Ok I am using Partition Magic 8 at the moment. I click format on it but only option I get is NTFS, Linux EXT1 and Linux EXT 2...How can I format this to FAT32? Please help. MUCH APPRECIATED
  4. Omg...This sucks! Thanks
  5. Well we kind of made a deal, he does the repairs needed and we will give him rent cheap. He is renting a whole house for $400. YET he has not done repairs to get the insurance renewed. It needs new railing in front and back and siding patched. He didn't do any of it, so that's why were really raising it.
  6. Ok Tommie thanks a lot. The person renting from us doesn't have a lease. He is family and just rented from us. I appreciate all the help.
  7. I hope someone can help me My dad was going to go to a lawyer and have them do it but were going broke now taxes are killing him and so are the insurance companies for repairs.
  8. My dad has been renting out a house now and he is getting on my case lol. He wants me to write a paper up explaining that rent will go up $100 due to the price of living going up. How would I right a paper on that? I am confused. If no one can help I understand. Thanks.
  9. Yes sir, 3 times. I don't have RR Turbo I got RR trash.
  10. I upgraded to $10 extra a month. I had basic which was $45 a month for me and I was running 7.5 MB download...Well I upgraded, and now max I can get is 3.5 MB...Wtf?! Anyone know why it would do that??
  11. I heard mid 08 they will be switching their cable internet plans. I heard they were going to start just charging people by the MB and GB we download. If so this is total BS. Time to switch ISP.
  12. Ok thanks. This is what I am using it for. You know the thin plastic covering on the DVD case which covers the cover art? It was peeling off near the edge and I want to fix it because I am picky about my movie cases and the movie conditions lol.
  13. Quick response please...I will be using it on a DVD case if that helps, will it melt?
  14. Well sometimes I get weird numbers like 412, and 0000 showing up on the caller id on my work cellphone. Anyone know what they are?
  15. I've tried toothpaste a long time ago. Never worked on small scratches on CD's or plastic. I think the toothpaste stuff is a myth.
  16. They aren't deep scratches at all. I just need a good cleaning product. I am thinking about buying a skin for the laptop, but they don't make them for my HDTV.
  17. Ok, if anyone has ever removed scratches from plastic what did you use? Please only recommend something if it worked really good. I am in need of taking scratches out of my laptop lid and my HDTV trim. They look horrible and I would like to get them removed.
  18. What illegal activity did you get caught doing? Sorry just curious. Yeah I am back on there, hopefully all is good.
  19. Ok Demonoid is back up. I was wondering, it says on the homepage that they have to block canadians. I thought canadians didn't have a law for downloading illegal things?? I was also wondering, do you think it is safe to go back on and use it now??
  20. So wait...They put it back up to collect user info some say. What does that mean? Are they busting everyone on there who has downloaded something or what?
  21. Well...I ended up calling today and cussing 2 different people out! I was told 2 times that no just because it is a business I HAVE to have business class, and it doesn't matter if I am just using it for personal use. $70 is way to expensive just to get on testmy.net, myspace, and xbox.com a day. I can wait until I get home. Sigh, I hope Verizon comes in my area soon because I am fed up with RoadRunner BS.
  22. Ok, in a week I am going to check in on it. I got to get some money again, just got done paying a couple bills.
  23. Ok, I mainly intend to use it for AIM, browsing TestMy.net, Xbox.com, my e-mail and pricing things that come into the store. I may possibly sell things on eBay to, but I doubt it. Still ok to get regular RR? Also, would you by any chance know how much installation is?
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