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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by falco

  1. I have to admit, I kinda like it
  2. Update: I installed a new D-link NIC, and still no speed change. I don't know what to try now.
  3. Update: I installed a D-Link NIC and there was NO speed change. Don't know what to try now :?
  4. That's a good idea. I think I will do that.
  5. Both have integrated NIC's. I'm beginning to think that it's software related on the new computer. As I mentioned before, it has a Nvidia nforce network controller that controls it. There is a separate Ethernet component to it . There is 2 options(settings) you can enable. They are"CPU utilization" or "throughput". I tried both but my download results didn't change with either one.
  6. Thanks for the reply. The tech guy with my ISP(small local company) told me that because of my distance to the tower, the radio "steps down" to compensate for packet loss. They told me that it steps down to 1000Kbps. They tried to force it to 2000Kbps but that didn't help any. As far as my download problem, I had the new computer hooked up directly before I installed the router, with the same results. This Asus MB uses a Nvidia nforce network controller. You access it through the browser. I just updated the ethernet driver , but the results haven't changed. Oh well, I have something to work on now.
  7. I tried TCPoptimizer, but to no avail. I will check on driver updates.
  8. I don't really have an advertised speed. As you can see from my avatar, I have wireless internet. It works on a 900 Mhz radio which is mounted in a box below my antenna on my roof. I am about 15 miles from my providers tower so consequently, the farther you are away from the tower, the less bandwidth. I could get 1500 Kbps if I was closer to the tower. It is tons better than dial-up or satellite.
  9. I just bought a new computer(AMD 64 X2 3800+ with 1 GB ram). My internet(download) speeds are [glow=red,2,300]slower[/glow] than my old Athlon 1200 XP. Both are connected to a Netgear Router(networked). I just did a test on the new one and got 750 Kbps and 1100 Kbps on the old one(about my average). I have tried different cablenut settings(I am presently using the same profile as in the old computer). Nothing seems to work. I have tried shutting down anti-virus, firewall etc. while testing but it doesn't seem to matter. :? Anyone have any ideas?
  10. Have you tried changing out your cables? You were saying that when you were holding your router(changing it's position), it wasn't acting up as bad. Sometimes cable connecters can go wonky or are not plugged in tight.
  11. I hope I make it that far! /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' />
  12. Surprisingly, it still works good and is quite fast. Beats my pentium 4 at work, hands down!
  13. I will wait till the computer arrives and go from there. It was a hell of a deal that I just couldn't pass up. $533 canadian(463 U.S.) including shipping for an Athlon 64 3700+, even though it's an HP. It has a socket 939 mobo so I can upgrade processors. It's time to retire my Athlon XP 1200. I will measure the power supply when it arrives to see if I can replace it. My luck, it's probably some proprietary set-up with HP. I may be able to switch p.s. from my old machine to the new one(old one is a 350).
  14. Thanks for the replies. My computer has a 300 W p.s. and a free PCI-E slot. I was checking some cards out and I could probably go with a geforce 6200 or maybe a 7300 series 256mb card. I know both aren't robust cards but they should be better than the integrated graphics. here are the specs for my machine: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?lc=en&cc=us&dlc=en&product=1815823&lang=en&docname=c00571922 Any suggestions or opinions?
  15. I've got a HP computer and am looking to put in a video card(presently have integrated graphics). I found some manufactuers will specify the minimum size of power supply required to run the card. I can't find anything like this for ATI cards. I have a 300W power supply so I am limited on my choice of video cards. Does anyone know if this info exists on the net somewhere? I tried the ATI website but can't find anything. :?
  16. I liked the new features but I found that some pages didn't work properly . I finally had to uninstall and go back to IE6.
  17. In my opinion, Thunderbird is better, anyhow!
  18. Those fire ants sound like nasty little bugs! Thats one advantage to living farther north, there aren't any up here(yet).
  19. If you use Thunderbird for e-mail, it has excellent spam and message filters.
  20. If you are limited to 300 Kbps, you are getting about as much as you are going to. That doesn't sound right for the close distance you are to your tower. I'm 15 miles away from my tower and I average around 800 Kbps when the system isn't too busy. You can go to the Make it faster... forum and try and use cablenut and see if you can get it going faster. I know cablenut worked for me.
  21. IE = 3.57
  22. What does that cost you a month?
  23. I could just use the crumbs... :haha:
  24. I found the answer to my own question. I found a website( www.replacementdocs.com ), that has downloadable manuals for lots of games and for all the systems also.
  25. Does any one know where you can download the instructions for PS2 games? I looking for the instructions for Tiger Woods-2005 and I checked EA Games website and couldn't find nothing. Anyone got any ideas? :?
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