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Everything posted by Dark06

  1. 4 tabs open in FF 3.1 beta on windows and only 116 MB
  2. but you can surf ok? it might be a block port or a firewall
  3. I would recomend Seagate as well But personally I got this one http://www.amazon.com/AcomData-HD500UFAPE5-72-3-5-Inch-FireWire-Combo/dp/B000R9WP4S/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1229654302&sr=1-5 they have gotten mostly bad reviews but i love that hard drive I carry it around in my backpack like its a flash drive and so far nothing bad has happen to it besides the faceplate coming off but seriously I would just get a big enough flash drive at this point and wait until this time next year to get a USB 3.0 one
  4. I was thinking Opensuse I like that better but will that run on Old hardware fine Or should I install a mini Linux Distro Such as slax or Puppy?
  5. Ok so i have these 3 or computers that im really sure i could turn into at least one or 2 these computers are WIndows 2000 era I would like to put Linux on them and give them away on craigslist or Freecycle to anyone that needs a computer for basic surfing but im not sure which distro to use for a linux noob and maybe even possibly a comp noob I want to put linux on them cause lets face it windows 200 cant do shit and I get less support questions on linux than windows from computer noobs since you are not infected by adware or viruses even if they click those annoying "Your system was infected by a deadly virus click here to scan now" ads they wont do shit in linux so yeah its less of a hassle linux just works I normally use Fedora or OpenSUSE with a mixture of Vista ( Designer if adobe ever gets official support in linux bye bue WIndows) So can anyone help me pick out a distro? If needed I will post specs on computers later but i'm at school I want something small that a small kid can get online write a small paper (email it to school so he can printed there) Listen to music (preferably on songbird since it resembles Itunes a bit and its awesome) and please dont say Ubuntuu cause i hate Ubuntuu Any other suggestions are welcome
  6. Fandora is my vote
  7. Dark06

    Gentoo linux

    if u have never mess with linux i would recomend putting it first on a desktop and seeing if u like it linux on laptops is a little harder aLSO CHECK THIS WEBSITE OUT FOR DISTROS THAT ARE KNOW TO WORK WITH YOUR MODEL http://www.linux-laptop.net/
  8. A VCL SERVER works with the PSP if you have a hacked psp meaning a homebrew capable PSP theres lots of guides online look it up draw back is that u cant change the channel on your PSp only on your comp or cable receiver
  9. i seen some branches puting modems on new customers that are 3 or 4 years check that they are not just putting in the same model that u have
  10. where the hell do u work at? what does your boss do?
  11. It can get a little slower i know that
  12. Hp i think makes the best bang for your buck laptops
  13. FF 3 and Flock for all those social network crap
  14. im might try it but i really doubt that it will replace firefox for me and i can use FF across the board and have the same experience Google should have really just gone ahead and come out with an OS I mean really they wont get another chance like this again Nobody likes Vista and everyone is looking for alternatives
  15. what browser are you using?
  16. Depeenda a little on computer speed and Cd driver speed but I would set aside 3 hours
  17. I still have a lot of computers running on these they are reliable and with enough ram they can run windows XP
  18. Are you planing on using any certain CMS?
  19. as long as everything is rated "G" or all rated " N" it should all work no matter what brand it is or the service provider
  20. Startlogic is preatty nice and is really cheap I use them been really happy only one outage once for 8 minutes not bad
  21. I DL AN OEM ONLINE then i just enter the key on the side of the box im not sure if thats illegal since you paid for xp when you bought the pc it worked and im enjoying it
  22. Ha i remeber those days the thing i dont like about dc++ is that u had to join so many groups
  23. I was going to do that and torrent all the open source projects i could find so i can max both my uoload and download at the same time
  24. Wow u still remember yeah i still do but im also slowly moving into Advertising and people sent me their stuff online so it can be publish and distribute in physical flyers and stuff It wasnt gas prices that got me it was the inflation cause by it fewer and fewer people are willing to pay to have some1 mow their lawn now Nobody has money anymore
  25. Man there is going to be a red cable coming out of your cable box soon its leading to TX just so u know
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