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Everything posted by amc11890

  1. Yeah i was on vacation in Virginia a few summers ago and all the house had was window units and one of them in one of the bedrooms left a gap from the outside allowing mosquitos in the house and man it was crazy i dint realize it at first but when it started getting dark the bugs just started pouring in the room:even some grasshoppers were in their. it was odd and we ended up just putting a towel where the gap was but other that the rooms stayed pretty kool
  2. I have never really been called a geek before because well i really dont look like one, the stereotype of a geek, but when i do open my big fat mouth, ppl are really suprised that i kno all this stuff about computers and then they come to me all the time with there computer prblems
  3. Happy Easter and God Bless
  4. yeah they act like it is a incridible deal and that we should act know before it is too late
  5. yeah and CHristmas is also commercialized with presents and christmas trees and santa claus, but i bet most of the kids that celebrate christams dont even know the real meaning
  6. Easter was when the lord was resurrected from the tomb and onto heaven. I really think of Easter as a happy and joyful day because that was the day that the lord proved to the people that he was our savior
  7. yeah i saw the commercial before aswell, they would act like it is a incridible deal. Man i bet alot of ppl fall for that crap, then they get the pc and realize how slow the piece of crap is
  8. 2500 sq ft, 5 tvs and 5 computers and the ac runs most of the year because we live in hot and humid tampa
  9. Yes we are all electric with teco energy in Tampa
  10. lol yeah i just finished coloring eggs w/my family, its a family tradition, i guess u r nvr too old
  11. Since we are talking about energy usage and what not, if u dont mind me asking, how much do u guys pay for elctricity on average? We pay about 300 dollars a month on average but most of the time it is lower than that
  12. Happy Easter to everyone
  13. Are u sure u still have itunes on ur computer? If so u can prob find it in program files and then u can manually delete it there
  14. amc11890


    why not just use audacity?
  15. yeah all the geek squad ppl try to do is sell u something, after my dad purchased a computer for my bro the geek squad salesman came over and asked us if we wanted to pay 200 dollars or something to get his new computer "propery secured" He was Like "What spyware programs do u use"? I told him adaware and he shook his head and said that those programs are all "talk". My dad tried to be nice and said that he will be back later with my brother's new computer to get it properly secured but he only said that to get this guy out of his face.
  16. What r u advertised speeds?
  17. looks like a gothic chic in some of the pics
  18. cool ill prob check frequently
  19. cool but looks like u need some more serialz
  20. wow these scores are lookin pretty good
  21. Welcome to the forum Sander19 Go here for more help and follow all steps http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-2097
  22. Well crts dont usually have pixels that go out but if i were u i would turn the monitor off everytime u r not using it and if u do not want to turn the monitor off then atleast keep the screensaver on. Screensavers have been known to extend the life of monitors
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