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Everything posted by amc11890

  1. i think it is a good idea but wat do i know anyway.
  2. pff....yeah i would be caught in a instant if i tried to steal anything from the computers, they suck anyway so i dont know who would want them. Someone got caught for writing f u on the computer monitors with a highliter
  3. 768 should be suffient for what u want to do, sounds like a virus/spyware problem
  4. Oh man after seing that i would be tramatized for life
  5. O and my other Grandpa drank heavenly all his life and smoke cigarrettes since he was 12 and he had 4 heart attacks(the last one killed him) and a stroke and he lived to 79 He also dint give a crap about health. I guess he was very optimmistic to live that long
  6. My grandpa is now 85 years old and he basically eats wat he wants, pretty much stress free because all he spends his time doing is watching baseball and spanish soap operas. Right know he has no health problem wat so ever. My family is convinced that he will live up to 100 years old. And he still drives. But one thing i cant say is that his whole life was stres free, he moved to bronx new york from puerto rico when he was 22 years old and he did not know any english at all. He had to support 8 children as well. I do belive that the optimistic part is rite
  7. yeah that is wat i was wondering, and the expert and veteran users stars are spaced apart
  8. really u actuallly get $$ from taking those surveys, i thot those were just scams
  9. Wrestling is okay i guess but i still cant get over the fact that it is staged
  10. Yeah that y i put a question mark there, wasnt exactly sure if it is a seperate race
  11. lol always finding the broght side in things
  12. o come on you guys know wat i mean
  13. then there would be way too many selections
  14. Please vote in general above and if you would like, post your specific race below. Just trying to see how diverse testmy.net really is. Personally i am half puerto rican and half irish
  15. I am from Tampa, Florida, been here my whole life. Tampa is home to the tampa Bay Buccaneers, Tampa Bay Devil Rays, Tampa Bay Lightining. Very Beautiful city that is very diverse, you have Old and Wealthy South Tampa and the old and "club filled" Ybor City, The very suburban New tampa or if u feel like getting ur car stolen then you could pay a visit to the universiy west area(around University of South Florida). BUt i still love Tampa.
  16. I went to Home Depot and it looked like any other normal day, there was even a good amount of hispanics in the store buying supplies like it was any other day but however there were 8000+ hispanics that were protesting down the road from me. Kind of odd. They did however make the 6:00 news. I guess most hispanics are against the bill to strengthen borders but my mom, who is Puerto Rican Belives that immigrants should become citizens like evryone else, legally, but i guess she would not have had to worry about that any way because Puerto rico is a commenwealth.
  17. Everyones been telling me to get one ut frankly im too lazy to make one
  18. Dont have one either
  19. I had to memorize that poem in 8 th grade
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