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Everything posted by amc11890

  1. The ads really dont bother me, no one is making you click them
  2. Halo Combat Evolved requirements: * Microsoft
  3. i dont see why it wouldn't play halo, prob something wrong on his part
  4. It will work but unfourtanetly it will be a step down from your 5500 Edit: if the 5500 was working well for you(when it was working) then you should get the same card http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814140051
  5. The 6500 will NOT work with you mobo. You need to look around for a gfx card that is agp not pci express.
  6. Fireworks on the beach for 4th of july
  7. Dang a few months ago me and dlewis had the same amount of posts. Then i went on vacation for spring break and when i came back i was way behind
  8. I think Van has the highest post count
  9. i would not mess with those settings. Your speed are right on cap.
  10. nice speeds, im have dsl and i never get above the cap on dl but i do on upload. Anyway those are good speeds
  11. yeah this a great site
  12. *Cries in the corner*
  13. I feel very hurt and insulted nahh J/K that was pretty funny
  14. well since it is cable it is not always going to be stable(shared connection)
  15. switch to IE, How dare you!! J/K I wonder wat the problem is.
  16. its really getting on my nerves.
  17. for me it is crashing more often than normal with the update
  18. what does it look like when it wont open. A blank page, is there a message? ALso what browser are you using?
  19. okay that makes no sense
  20. I wouldn't mind if nvidia and amd merged
  21. copy and paste a traceroute(ping)http://www.testmy.net/tools/toolbox.php
  22. nope
  23. how much do you pay per month for that?
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