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Everything posted by amc11890

  1. i think you have the wrong forum
  2. Could it be because you dont have a legal copy of xp? Im not really sure what it says.
  3. yeah the 6800 is a great graphics card.
  4. He could find some pretty good gfx cards based on agp but agp is slowly dwindling away, agp is okay now but if he wants to upgrade in the future he is way better off having a pci-e mobo
  5. those results are cached, please clear your cache and do not use acclerators when testing. Also do not press back button.
  6. nope gave up a while back, prob just need a new mobo
  7. nope agp and the processor was not originally 1100 mhz, it underclocked on its on and will not go back to its original speed. Its an amd athlon xp 1800
  8. thats not a bad processor, heck im running on a amd 1100 mhz processor. You really dont need to upgrade your processor but it would help if you did in the future
  9. nice are you using any tweaks?
  10. thats nothing my cpu is running at 72 degrees. Then again it is an underclocked amd
  11. nice way over cap, are you using any tweaks?
  12. i wasted all that time downloading and it wont even install
  13. If If those your advertised speeds are 10mbps then you should go here http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-2097
  14. how much was the xbox wirless adapter and does it keep a constent connection?
  15. that is insane. He killed the largest grizzly in the world
  16. yeah when you used bass it kinda threw me off
  17. 16 turnovers and 12 missed foul shots. How could they lose. If the heat made all there free throws they would have one. That how sad it is that they lost
  18. yeah Unfourtanetly i was unable to install vista, i got to the last part when it was finalizing the upgrade and then it stopped responding and i had to reboot and then it restored it back to xp, ill try again tomorrow. For the people that successfully installed vista: are all the programs/files that you had on xp on vista will you installed it?
  19. 1.5dl and 384 ul~Verizon DSL, i guess servers were overloaded because i usually can download around 170
  20. Avg download speed was about 60kb and it took me pretty much all day today, i would say about 12 hours
  21. both of those modems would be a good choice
  22. All the 3's the Heat are making really seem to be hurting the mavs
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