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Everything posted by amc11890

  1. what kind of problem are you having?
  2. what kind of onboard nic do you have, is it old? have you updated it?
  3. Anyone watching the game? Man i cant belive that the Heat at one point had a 27 point lead. The heat have really dissapointed me in these past games. Too many missed foul shots, poor defense, just general sloppieness. IMO the Heat doesnt even look like final's material. I honestly thot that the heat would take this round with ease. Dont get me wrong i havent lost confidence in the HEat i am just very dissapointed in their performance. lol i woke up my parents when i was yelling at the t.v. P.S. I get really worked up over basketball games
  4. yeah really a 20mbit upload would be insane
  5. yeah i agree, you know they can upgrade if they wanted to. All they care about is fios now
  6. yeah dsl is a awesome deal; the 768/128 plan, for people that just simply want to surf and check and write email it is perfect
  7. try another browser
  8. that just a fancy way of saying argument.
  9. who knows it is a business connection but i doubt that comcast offers speeds that high
  10. wow not a bad deal for 90 bux a month. That upload is real nice. Never heard of that isp tho
  11. thats a long page all about a sidekick. Unfourtanely not everyone is honest and trustworthy
  12. real nice speeds. Have you tweaked you connection?
  13. yet another argument over which browser is better
  14. Now im kinda glad my computer is too slow to handle vista well of course what do you expect from a BETA version
  15. O yeah where are my manners Welcome to the forum tomwalker
  16. i have heard that FF is really slow on sattleite but i dont have sattelite so it doesnt affect me
  17. wow i didnt know that ool had a 30/2 package, i guess they are trying to keep up with fios
  18. I would just get a whole new computer if i were you, you could get a good deal on a pre made computer if you dont want to build
  19. its hard to get over cap on dsl so those speeds are very good
  20. nice, over cap
  21. It also could be because you have a recovery partition. Recovery partition are usually found on pre made pcs
  22. Have you tried any tweaks; thegame1229?
  23. i googled it and it said that it a program that will convert joystick buttons to key presses on the keyboard. Did you install this or was it installed without your consent
  24. Yeah I have been getting them frequently
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