my aunt has one of those, i thot it was really ugly at first but them when i got inside, i was shocked when i saw how much leg room the passengers in the middle have.
I think that they should knock just to be considerent, they still deserve some type of privacy. I do think if the person doesnt respond after a certain amount of knocks they deserve to bang the door down
ds3 is basically T3(faster and offers way more bandwidth for larger companies) as compared to a T1. Smaller companies usually go with the T1 but larger companies that do a lot of video conferencing and bandwidth heavy things will require a T3 or DS3.
there have been many arguments on this site an whether or not the test results are fake but the problem can be solved easily and painlessly if the person would just download a large file from Microsoft or some other site with a fast server and then they can see wat speeds they are really getting
The remaining speed going to phone lines? I dont know wat that would have to do with phone line. Usually watever speed they promise you better get that speed or very close when you are talking about t1