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Everything posted by amc11890

  1. i totally agree with that, some of the shows they have on cartoon network are for the brain dead *Cough* Ed N Eddy *Cough* and that is not the only show that doesnt make any sense. I dont really ever watch cartoons: i mostly watch espn: sitcoms, espn,usa,tbs.etc. I like cartoons but the original ones.
  2. Yeah i fully understand that.
  3. http://www.monarchcomputer.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=M&Product_Code=120847 ^^ Pretty good deal. Should i get that or amd 3800 venice? Im thinkin the opteron. Prob gonna be a lot faster.
  4. Are the asrock motherboards good for overclocking?
  5. yeah i was reading some reviews and someones managed to get it up to 2.8ghz. I will definately consider that over the amd 64 3800.
  6. All i need to decide on is the cpu: im considering this how are the venice chips? vs. san diego chips?
  7. yeah i just found that one, i'll prob get that one because it will work with my 6600gt
  8. I have a question for you guys: should i purchase a pci-e motherboard and have to spend the extra money to get a new gfx card? or should i purchase a agp mobo and not have to use buy a new gfx card(i have a 6600gt) Is agp gonna phase out? Also do you guys have any good mobo recommendations? I have seen a lot of mobos that have both agp and pci-e. I have looked at these: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1559983&CatId=0 http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1337301&CatId=0 http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=2109707&CatId=0 http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1953306&CatId=0(im a little leary of this one) I basicaly want a mobo under 100
  9. Can anyone suggest a atx mid-tower case for under 50 dollars with good airflow
  10. Here is wat i have already; 512 mb of ram pc 3200, 120gb hard drive, 6600 gt agp,500watt power supply. Basically all i need is a new motherboard, cpu and case. Price range is around 250 (give or take) Would like amd. Will be getting in about a month or so possibly so rebates that expire before then will be worthless
  11. lol.....
  12. i can do it, but it has been awhile since i have installed any parts and i dont wanna mess something up, and my underclocked amd athlon xp is really making me mad!!
  13. do the parts come seperately or pre installed?
  14. I was searching on tiger direct and i found this Barebone system What is your opinion in this barebone system and i really never have heard of that mobo, what is your opinion, also what is a mgp slot? supposevely it is supposed to be compatble with agp gfx cards but there is a pci-e slot aswell. Also what is the point of a barebone system, wat is the difference between buying the parts seperately or in a "barebone kit"?
  15. I can hear up to 19000
  16. still nice speeds, is the upgrade free?
  17. sleep deprivation is crucial at my school, at one point in time in bio last year 3/4 of my class was asleep. Sleep deprivation as bad as alcohol impairment
  18. a 460 in a mustang would be insane, i would just love to pull up to somebody and see there face when i blow past them
  19. thx guys for ur help, will consider these options
  20. sounds like a good idea. Buy an inexpensive 5.0 and replace it with 351. Ill have to consider that. Are there any sites where i can get a free insurance quote? Just to get a idea of how much it will cost
  21. i have plenty time to consider and yeah i am only 15 yrs old, will be 16 in nov but waited till jan to get permit. but i dont know how much this is going to help but i took drivers ed and i have higher than 3.0gpa both of which offer a insurance cut. Im also relived because i was able to take my permanent license test in drivers ed and now i am done with it.
  22. is that now the fastest street legal car?
  23. Happy independence to everyone, and since were are on this subject? wat is everone doing for independence day? I play on having a cookout and hang out by the pool. I can just smell those steaks and hamburgers.
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