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Everything posted by amc11890

  1. i almost did a all nighter last night
  2. definately not a heat issue with teh cpu, but it is prob a connection prob but now i noticed that my sound card is not working. Everything is slowly dying on me. Could be the pos mobo. According to everest the cpu temp is 22
  3. I'm considering this one I dont have much moeny to spend but the reviews look pretty good
  4. 500 watt compusa brand. Prob dying on me. amd underclocked
  5. guess i have to add psu to my list of comp parts to buy
  6. its underclocked, to 1151mhz. so that is prob why
  7. a lot of times when my computer restarted randomly i reattached the cables and rearranged them around and that usually fixed the problem. Sounds like i need to get some compressed air and clean out the fans. I did however take the side off my computer and let it cool off and it started up correctly.
  8. amd athlon xp 1800 at 22c
  9. Hey guys, lately my computer has been restarting at complete random times. Actually i noticed when i tilt my computer the computer just restarts and there is a file error upon startup. Im pretty sure this is a heat issue as the computer restarts to protect the computers data but why when the computer tilts? Also i had to disable my gpu because it was running at 64 C. I was also thinking my hard drive was overheating because when i disabled my gpu the computer restarted unexpectly again. Right know i cant wait to get my new computer. I had to remove my second hard drive to allow for more ventilation and that lowered the temp of the hard drive about 5 degrees but it still restarted again. Heat issue?
  10. Im puerto rican and white and i have to agree that the star spangled banner should be in english and only english. Americans native language is english not spanish. Like a lot of people said Americans are too scared of being called a racist to do anything about this. Dont get me wrong i am proud of my puerto rican heritage and also my american heritage but please the star spangled banner does not need to be sung in spanish. To be honest i dont know anything about puerto rico all i kno is that i am half puerto rican but i wasnt born there
  11. ya avast is great
  12. in florida the sales tax is at 7%
  13. i think the combo with the combo it is less but i did see on that list the amd opteron(single cpu set up) is 140. Wat do you guys think of the pentium d 805?
  14. here is a good place to find out http://www.greatschools.net/ my schools facts http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/fl/other/1432
  15. Yeah plz no more arguing,
  16. i thot that when i was downloading at 40kbps was blazing fast when i went from dial up then you start to get greedy
  17. yeah it is, im so glad i found that site
  18. Scroll down to drop down menu Im gonna buy it with the asrock dual sata2
  19. yeah but i dont think you can beat that deal i found for a opteron 146 for 133 $
  20. oh yeah im gonna overclock , is the price change still intact for amd after 7/24. Because supposively i can get a amd 3800 x2 for 169.
  21. they will even assemble the mobo and cpu for free and load the latest bios http://www.monarchcomputer.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=M&Product_Code=80152&Category_Code=AMDC http://www.xoxide.com/x-ventilator-case-black.html
  22. Im pretty sure i get boomerang
  23. How does this sound: Asrock Dual sata2 mobo opteron 146 cpu Thermaltake AMD K8 Venus 7+ cpu fan Shin Etsu Thermal Grease Xoxide Ventilator case Casegear 480w Dual Ble Cathode Kit 288.49 total Sound like a good deal?
  24. love this site
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