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Everything posted by amc11890

  1. thats a interesting way of putting it
  2. you will prob get the upgrade soon enough
  3. only 1500$
  4. Welcome to the forum Silent Wolf. Click the two links below
  5. o i see, try doing a hard reset and check your results. Have you tweaked your connection?
  6. try testing with just the modem
  7. so u can infect your computer with spyware
  8. IDK i think the nissan trucks are pretty sweet
  9. All the donations he made is something that i really respect.
  10. wow The size of programs are getting larger therefor we need more hard drive space. About 10 years ago 100mb would be all u need, way more than you need
  11. r u kidding that car is pimp
  12. Happy Father's Day to all dads and especially my dad
  13. Okay it worked Thx
  14. Okay I have a Westell Versalink Gateway(router and modem in one) and I set a password a few months ago to access the router configuration page and now I forgot the password. I have tried resetting my router to reset the password. I have also tried using admin, password. Password,admin just password. But so far none of those combinations have worked. What should be the default password and username of this router?
  15. rubber waterproof material if i am remembering correctly
  16. Yeah i download it and everything but the installation dint work out, it stopped responding near the end, twice
  17. amd athlon xp 1800 768mb of ram 120gb hard drive 6600gt
  18. I cant belive how great the Heat played tonight. they actually played like they wanted to win the finals. With energy and confidence that they could win. this is wat i want to see. Extreme Butt Whoopin!! Edit: MIA 98 DAL 74 Cant wait till sunday
  19. I'll start watching the world cup when the Finals are over
  20. yeah the element looks more suvish. the scion is pretty much a box
  21. the element is uglier than that
  22. yeah thats another cool feature, you can wash the interior with water instead of having to vacumn. I couldnt believe it at first
  23. He really gets on my nerves sometimes, the expressions he makes.
  24. IDK im 6'1'' and it felt like there was a lot of room, maybe it seems like more because the seats in the front are lower than the back
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