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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by amc11890

  1. Well T1 will always be better that dsl simply because the speeds are way more consistent and you dont have to worry about your neighbors bogging your connection down
  2. Naw not your fault it happens to a lot of people but atleast u r not one of ones who insist that the test is real and argue till they finally figure out that they are wrong and they never come back to this site again
  3. real nice for 3.0 dl especially w/dsl it is very hard to get that much over advertised speeds
  4. lol, this thread has been brought up from the dead
  5. Does anyone now wat the benefits are of using google earth premium. Is it updated more frequently or better views or wat?
  6. Yeah the clock speeds are way different between the two processors. But unfourtanely most of the public look at the clock speeds to determine which processor is better. I also think the pr rating that AMD used confused a lot of people including me until i finally understood that there is a huge pipeline size difference. Ive had many friends that asked me how fast my processor was i would say 1.5ghz(AMD athlon xp 1800) and they would say o my celeron at 1.9ghz can kill that.
  7. A FF vs IE thread is now a ford vs chevy thread
  8. You guys have any predictions for Game 4?
  9. thx
  10. whoa dang i would definately wait
  11. my god those speeds are horrible. I would call ur isp if they havent always been like this
  12. Anyone know when the next USA game is?
  13. I would definately go with the DFI Lanparty mobo and 2 gb is a must these days with vista coming soon. Also the AMD64 processors are real nice. Opteron is also nice but more $$$
  14. I wonder why comcast is not available in tampa
  15. same with my dog
  16. Im not really sure, It was brothers old computer and he doesnt remember the password to login on to the computer, is there any way to reset the password w/o formatting because i lost the cd
  17. Right know i have 2000 pro on it. Do you guys think i should keep that on it?
  18. A swimming pool is pretty standard where i live
  19. nice you should be getting the speed burst
  20. I've used Red hat, linspire, ubuntu, fedora core. But its been awhile since i have used these
  21. Basically you pay an extra 10 bux a month or watever it is for pure spyware
  22. There are tons of recovery programs out there that could help you with that problem http://www.google.com/search?q=recovery+tools&start=0&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official Some of them are trials but i would give them a try
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