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Everything posted by amc11890

  1. 384 mb of ram( possible 512 mb more) 120 GB hd 40 GB hd im buying a 6600Gt AGP 40x cd burner also purchasing a 16X DVD Burner Athlon XP 1800 Does nebody know what would be suffcicient for this setup?
  2. Post how big ur powersupply is and wat ur specs r? Also what proceessor would be more power hogging: P4 or athlon XP?
  3. U got a psp?(im assuming that is what this thread is about)
  4. it also closes during campaign, nebody have ne ideas????
  5. id go with netzero they are cheap and have alot of features
  6. amc11890


    bout 4 seconds for both
  7. amc11890


  8. amc11890


    just tried firetune..........it speeded up my speed pretty well
  9. ive tried everything and it still does it on some survers specifically on the verifying resources part is when it closes
  10. amc11890


    hmmm.....i nver heard of firetune
  11. if u r not gonna game then a pci graphics card will be fine
  12. yes that is wat a pci slot is but do u have ne other slots that look different near the pci slots..like a slightly bigger slot and a different color slot
  13. man some of things he did r pretty kool I mite join but i dont now much bout that wireless connections and such
  14. do u have ne pci-e or agp slots?
  15. then u can get one for real cheap if its not for gaming
  16. yeah its likely that ur video card is loose from your pci slot because u should be able to tell if the cable is disconnected
  17. monitor cable is loose or disconnected ..........reconnect
  18. k thx
  19. now i get this message(i opened in a window)umm....i ll try updating drivers
  20. true...then i have no idea wat it is
  21. amc11890


    yeah fasterfox works well
  22. i think my latency is too high for some survers
  23. i just finished playin a round( it wokred)...but now when i try to enter another surver it is closing agian
  24. no it just closes
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