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Everything posted by amc11890

  1. im gettin a video card in a few weeks but i want to know if this is the vidoe card that is causin the problem or something else
  2. i would like a gmail invite
  3. I jsut purchased Half Life Anthology a few days ago and whenever i try to conncect to certain survers it starts to load and its almost finished loadig and then the screen closes. This only happens on some survers 384 mb of ram amd athlon xp 1800 1.5/384 verizon 32 mb video card I no my video card is crappy but i am able to play some times online but other time i am unable 2 Nebody know why this happpening?
  4. Merry Christmas To all
  5. here is a 6600gt at compusahttp://www.compusa.com/products/product_info.asp?product_code=317665&pfp=BROWSEif u live near one u can just pick one up at the store...pretty good deal(they also have a pci-e version)
  7. that ul is pretty good for dway
  8. which brand r u referring 2?
  9. yeah my processor has been pretty good to me...had it for almost 3 years and dint have a problem at all with it
  10. if i were to get the processor i would have to get a new mobo to go along with it. I think mine only support up to xp 2100
  11. i prefer the more traditional form of transportation...Walking
  12. http://www.crimedoctor.com/autotheft2.htm
  13. ur processor is fast...man i wish i had a good processor
  14. Where do u live???.....
  15. im not goin pci e...i only have a AGP slot Here is the card im gettinhttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814143027
  16. I tried installing a old 40 gig hd( in addition to the one i have now) and a old cr rom drive(with the one i have now) and when i booted up my pc it just froze at the screen where it displays the manufacturer name(in my case compaq) im guessing this is because my ps could not handle all the hardware because when i disonnconnected the hd and cd drive my pc booted up properly
  17. In a few weeks im plannin on adding a DVD burner, 6600 Gt video card, and a second hard drive. I popped open my pc to see how much watts my ps was.....WOW....Only 200 watts(that is wat i get for buying a pre-built compaq computer)...i was shocked my pc could even run with that amount. Ne ways i found a pretty good deal at compusa for a 500 watt ps...it was a compusa brand not sure if that matters.... Do i need a certain ps for my MINI tower atx case or will ne ps work
  18. GBP= how much U.S. Dollars?
  19. he also has a dreamcast...lol(4th pic down)
  20. Try and dl something from microsoft(they have fast servers) and that will tell u wat ur real speed r
  21. Yeah its based on the test results of other ppl that have taken the test
  22. whoa pretty fast...i mite be gettin a 6600gt in a few weeks.
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