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Everything posted by amc11890

  1. Verizon DSL 1.5 down and 384 up = 29.95
  2. you are a .inf your are informative. When you are gone you make life very difficult for others
  3. wasnt expecting that pic to pop up..lol :haha:
  4. Just a few weeks ago i was runnin a "fake copy" of win xp pro.......i managed to install sp2........
  5. i use torrentspy
  6. i dont care for either team
  7. 88% scored higher (more nerdy), and 12% scored lower (less nerdy). What does this mean? Your nerdiness is: Not nerdy, but then again maybe not all that cool either.
  8. AMD athlon xp 1800 384 mb of ram ( 2100) 120 gb maxtor ultra hd 17 in compaq flat screen monitor s3 pro savage graphics ddr 40X cd burner realtek soundcard Win xp w/sp2 zzzzz........not very fast
  9. http://www.testmy.net/topic-1013 scroll down and dl the fifth one down(* VanBurens_cablenut_settings_version_3.zip ) open the file and click dsl then click either win98 or win xp_2k (depends on ur os) for win2k_xp open up file ms1444 and choose the file that is labled 1500 and 384 then apply setting for win98orme open up 1460 Im assuming u already have cablenut dled and installed
  10. naw i wouldnt u those programs either.....just a waste of money..........
  11. Are you kidding me....i would be furious if they told me i had the "384K" package...and stilll be paying for the 1.5mb package.... have you tried cablenut??http://www.cablenut.com/ here are the settings:http://www.testmy.net/topic-1013 dl [url=http://* VanBurens_cablenut_settings_version_3.zip (]* VanBurens_cablenut_settings_version_3.zip (the fifth one down)
  12. :haha:
  13. those speeds are really good....when i had dial up...i had crappy phone lines....i would be lucky if i could dl at 2kb per sec
  14. http://www.nvidia.com/object/feature_pixelshader.html here is some info
  15. I have to disagree it is not useless at all........
  16. man is anybody happy with dw
  17. 128kpbs is a decent bit rate....lower than cd quality but personally i dont notice the difference.....By all means if it saves disk space and sounds the same to you go along with it. All of my songs on my mp3 player are set at 64kbps some ppl may think this is a crappy bit rate but i can store much more music and i dont notice a drastic quality difference either.
  18. Im guessing march 15..........for the 20000 member
  19. Naw they dont care if i use their connection....just as long as i dont hog the bandwidth
  20. kool speed upgrade my next door neighbors have RR and i use their connection sometimes...hope their gonna get upgrade....
  21. I have been seing alot of game system knockoffs lately: Ds knockoff http://www.engadget.com/entry/1234000190058535/ PSP knockoff:My personal favorite http://www.engadget.com/entry/1234000243040454/ A video of the "pop station" http://www.compfused.com/directlink/928/ OMG look at this thing http://gadgets.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/nintendo_ds.jpg http://image.lik-sang.com/content/nintendo-ds/large/wide-DS.jpg http://www.engadget.com/entry/6831627748437149/ Would be hard to play http://www.gizmodo.com/archives/images/gizmodo_ds_bounty_1_small.jpg http://pocketmedia.ign.com/pocket/image/readermockup_012404_4.jpg yet another mokeup http://image.lik-sang.com/content/nintendo-ds/wide-buttons-DS.jpg check out this mockup of the ds http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images/view?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dthe%2Bnintendo%2Bds%26ei%3DUTF-8%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla%253Aen-US%253Aofficial%26fr%3Dmoz2&h=250&w=230&imgcurl=www.gizmodo.com%2Farchives%2Fimages%2Ffake_ds_mockup.jpg&imgurl=www.gizmodo.com%2Farchives%2Fimages%2Ffake_ds_mockup.jpg&size=11.6kB&name=fake_ds_mockup.jpg&rcurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gizmodo.com%2Farchives%2Fnintendo-ds-bounty-recap-016024.php&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gizmodo.com%2Farchives%2Fnintendo-ds-bounty-recap-016024.php&p=the+nintendo+ds&type=jpeg&no=3&tt=16,262&ei=UTF-8
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