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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by amc11890

  1. i thot that comcast offered 6/384 and 8/768...never heard of 5mb plan
  2. wat was the residential speed for dw b4??
  3. im too lazy to read all
  4. yeah i heard bout that deal....that is as good as it gets
  5. does anyone have verizon fios 30/5....i know its expensive but who knows
  6. definately ff...............no contest
  7. yeah they r all "clumped together" because the host is the same for directway users no matter wat rate plan
  8. if that test was cached it would be way higher
  9. well im currently installing mandrake on my" test computer".......my old win 98 computer......
  10. AOL is Garbage......waste of money........
  11. amc11890

    WTH lol

    dint tmc just upgrade to 5000/384 from 3000/384.......well where i live there is no tmc.....TMC was bought by Brighouse Networks
  12. Im just wonderin if anyone has linux................ive tried a few disros bofore like...red hat and fedora core.......Linspire.....not sure if u woul call that linux and also knoppix...i eventually gave up on linux do to compatibilty issues
  13. i have bout five browsers........Opera,IE ,mozzila,MSN,AOL explorer..........i most of the time use ff....the rest r a waste
  14. Dsl is has more consistent speeds but cable however fluctiated constantly.......peak speeds for cable r usually faster................DSL also is distance sesitive the further u r from co the slower the speeds.........reliablity wise.... it pretty much depends on provider
  15. dont worry bout it , at one time i had 4 different spyware programs runnin: Spybot,Ad aware,Microsft Antispy, Syware doctor..............but however stay away from runnin more than one antivirus/ firewall kuz they will "clash"
  16. I actually like this one...i wasnt too crazy bout the ipod mini but the nano is pretty kool. check out this video http://reviews.cnet.com/Apple_rolls_out_tiny_new_iPod/4660-6490_7-6313021.html Is is supposely thinner than Motorola razr
  17. looks pretty good but yeah 1 gig ram is neccessary i dont have that much kuz i cant afford
  18. hmm....seems like a good idea
  19. wow..those are some nice speeds but like elite pete said try and download somethin from microsoft large(microsoft usually has the fastest survers) check to see if u can download at 1300kbps
  20. amc11890

    Xbox 360

    r u serious a HALO movie.....i think that is pushin it too far....Halo should stay a game
  21. http://windowssecrets.com/comp/041202/#top1 try these tweak :Ds if u havent already
  22. amc11890

    Xbox 360

    im all 4 xbox 360.........PS3 is good 2 but it comes out later........also ive heard that microsoft is gona release Halo 3 on the same day as PS3.......Smart move microsoft
  23. thx
  24. can somebody give me the link to dl ie 7 ....thx
  25. Im sure there is another forum with a similar subject but im too lazy to look for it.....anyways im curios to see wat ur desktops look like.......BTW anyone try windows blinds before...is it any good??
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