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Everything posted by amc11890

  1. Just purchase a high gain antenna...u could get a range extender but they r costly and have to be specifically made for ur router...not sure where u will find one
  2. how much does bell south lite cost???
  3. yeah ill prob stick with aim since everybody has it
  4. 1.AOL Dial Up(garbage) 2.MSN Dial up(okay) 3.Verizon DSL(Im happy) I still believe that AOL dial up is 23.95 (well that is how much i payed) MSN DIAl UP was 21.95 Verizon DSL is 30 bux
  5. forget it i only have 384 mb of ram.....not worth it
  6. thats odd i dint know verizon could be that high.......i pay 30 bux and only 30 bux.......never heard of 50 bux, but of course verizon is my phone service so i guess u get some sort of discount
  7. i used to have aol dial up...it was 23.95 a month....wat was i thinkin...anyway i got so much spam..then i switched to dial up msn okay..then verizon...wat a improvement....
  8. i agree i am sick and tired of cached results...............comcast doesnt offer 17mb speeds....
  9. I at one time had dial up, it was a nighware.......my phone line was not properly installed......i lost connection every 5 min and when downloading something............i couldnt even reach 1kb download.........hopefully broadband will be availbale in ur area...maybe even sattelite kuz u still get faster speeds than that... BTW those r pretty good speeds 4 33k
  10. Geez...people it should be pretty obvious if is cached........plz stop posting rediculous speeds if u know ur advertised speeds r no where near.............use common sense
  11. that result is cached.....100% false...clear all ur cache.....and dont press back button and post again
  12. I have the same router......i get a pretty good signal from my wirless adapter but i see ur point....i dont think u have to have a certain antenna for that router but the antenna that comes with it is not very good......any antenna will work....purchase a high gain antenna........
  13. first u need to purchase a router, and a wirless adapter and then u wont hsve to deal with wires.....u can have two medems but you would have to have two accounts from ur isp....so it would cost more....but its much more sensible to buy a router and adapter .....
  14. u should consider a wireless network
  15. i cant use ie to test dl speeds kuz it lags at 99%
  16. with ie go to tools internet options click clear history or delete files and cookies( under the general tab)
  17. okay that dl was cached......clear all cache and dont click back button to test
  18. ur dl looks cached lets see ul
  19. thats weird its prob somethin verizon is doin....id call them....ur dl is really good tho
  20. http://www.testmy.net/topic-1013 dl van burens settings version 4 and install the 1500/384 settings ( cable/dsl)
  21. do use any cablenut settings
  22. ur dl is way better thsn mine but wat is with ul yeah i thot i would be gettin 3.0 dl speeds 2
  23. ::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 390 Kbps about 0.4 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Upload Speed is:: 48 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Sun Aug 21 2005 12:09:05 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) Bottom Line:: 7X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 21.33 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 63.52 % of your hosts average (verizon.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-CXLD2AJWN
  24. 1 year of free internet in not enough but atleast she got somethin
  25. i never get cached results when ff
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