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Everything posted by amc11890

  1. man have you guys seen all the damage.......i heard that 80 % of New orleans was covered with water........course because New orleans is below sea level.....man i really feel for the people that were in Katrinas path
  2. hmm.......i smell piracy...lol.....
  3. i am in tampa fl not sein any affects at all of katrina but i am praying for the people in katrinas path.
  4. Fios is usaully 50 bux per month(the plan u have), r u gettin a specail descount
  5. that speed is crazy slow........................
  6. this may work but most people who post cached results r claiming that they r real....so they wont post there resluts on a forum that is called post your cached results......good ideo tho
  7. I agree.....
  8. u got speed test??
  9. no keyboard so it must be hard to search for exact web pages...take a long time
  10. kool....i already have a wirless router so that works out perfect...i heard it was really hard to search for urls
  11. look at the first post..".i thinkin bout gettin one".......... prob get it 4 birthday hopefully
  12. now i really want a psp,.....just saw some screenshots.......web browser looks really kool
  13. Really u serious......i heard bout an update but dint know a browser was included.....kool
  14. I thinkin bout gettin a PSP. Just wonderin if the PSP is capable of goin on the internet. I have heard of a PSP web browser and i know that the PSP has a buit in wifi card but will i be able to get a signal from my router....or do i need a certain router
  15. for the equipment(600 dollars)???? Wat speeds do u get??
  16. yeah ive been gettin that error...then i took another speed test and it acted normal...test again and the error came up again Edit: it seems to be back to nornal
  17. i think my compaq has 350 watts........1000watts is crazy
  18. yeah its expensive but people will still buy it.....
  19. me 2 thats weird
  20. wat r advertised speeds?????? and how much is it p/month
  21. those speeds rule.....very good price!!!
  22. It means to turn ur modem off and on(for bout 1:00 minute keep it off and unplug all the cables, then plug all the cables back in)
  23. this program is pretty kool...just tryed it out...I could kinda see my house but DC was really clear...i guess the more populted the area the cleare..anyway its free so im not complaining
  24. so ur advertised speeds r 16Mbps......u should be gettin 16mbs or closer than that lets see ul
  25. i think SMA is wat u need.........dont quote me.......im not positve........
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