well IE 7 looks alot like FF....who is imitataing who now....IE 7 is basically tryin to keep up with the competition of ff.....its pretty obvious
BTW the sites than arent compatible with ff are the sites falt not ff's
so wat ur sayin is that internet threw power lines is not goin to braodband status but more of a option if nothin else is avialble except for dial up....concept is pretty kool
i dont think would have cared bout that anyway....they were more worried about feeding themselves than using their computer that were prob trashed anyway.....
yeah those are alrite...coould be alot of ppl on....when i tested one of the computers at my school i got like 900kbps...of course i was in a large computer lab and everybody was on.
u obviously have a problem....check for spyware/viruses....call verizon....ul seems okay but dl needs help...ummm...well if u downgrade to verizon 768/128 then ur dl wont really change but uln will be bout half
If im not mistaken rr is 45 bux a month for 5/384....and fios is 50 bux for 15/2 so if u have both available ..which many ppl in my area can get both...then why would u get rr....its a no brainer