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Everything posted by jws21

  1. [quote author=TheHalf
  2. Houston TX. http://www.waldenweb.com/
  3. No need to worry, this is Fios, things are only gonna get better. I want fios !!
  4. Assuming you have the 4Mb/384 you're actually a bit above your cap. If you want more speed you can upgrade to premier. 6Mb/768.
  5. http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?board=71.0
  6. Indeed Go Horns !
  7. Clear your temp.files & cookies and post a re-test.
  8. As the user stated its 10Mb/768Kb
  9. Not for 80 bucks you dont.
  10. Suppose to get 1-2 feet here. As always I'll believe it when I see it but it would be nice.
  11. Wow..... That is friggin insane. I've watched this ten times already and i'm in awe.
  12. (2) 200Gb sata 150 7200 rpm 8MB cache & (1) 160Gb maxtor Ide & (1) maxtor 300Gb 16MB cache external drive and I'm running out of room on all of them
  13. definitely a call i wouldn't mind receiving a number of times a day
  14. Sweden looks better all the time
  15. Especially when its only 19 times faster than 56k.
  16. I know.. 70 watts doesn't seem like much but I have the same setup and I'm very pleased with them. You can definitely feel the rumble
  17. No complaints here either. Just waiting for the extreme tier. thats my only complaint...
  18. Case Aspire: Black x super alien w/ 500w Ps http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16811144004 Mainboard: Asus P4S800D-E HD's : (2) 200Gb sata 150 7200 rpm 8MB cache & (1) 160Gb maxtor Ide & (1) maxtor 300Gb 16MB cache external drive Memory: (4) kingston 512 Mb ddr 400 for 2Gigs total CPU: Intel p4 3.00GHZ 1M/800Mhz w/HT Graphics: Ati radeon 7000 64Mb agp. Screen: Samsung 170s 17'' LCD OS: Xp home Dvd drive : Lite on dual DVD +/- RW cd drive: Lite on 56x cdrw
  19. 6Mbit/768
  20. Same here. When I do a scan it freezes within 30 seconds. I cant perform an update either. glad i'm not alone
  21. I'm curious to. I can say its way more than all the aforementioned.
  22. T1 lines are easily repeated to cover longer distances so distance isnt really an issue. Ping times will definitely be lower than your dsl. And due to the SLA and guaranteed uptime/bandwidth with a T1 you won't hear many complaints. Bottomline, if you're willing & able to spend the money I'd say go for it.
  23. I'd go for a T1. 100% uptime, SLA, and free to do what I want. I'd go for cable only for a faster speed. Unless a T3 is an option...
  24. Fios is best for the money but there are better connections. but way out of price range.... I wish i had fios
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