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Everything posted by MICROWAVE

  1. Gildo, Welcome to the site hope you enjoy:) ain't it great when you just enter into a higher MB speed. 4011 is much better than 3099.....lol but that is a good speed , and keep visiting:) Microwave
  2. Not as good as you but way over double I got until recently:) Microwave
  3. Satellite serves people that are unable to get anything else,which I believe was its intention in the beginning. I remember reading where it was thought that they could somehow conquer the speed issue in the future but, it still has not happened. There are still places out in the boonies that this service is good for them....but I think if they dont solve their speed issue in the near future it will go the way of the beta-max and the eight track.....lol Microwave
  4. I love this ,I have been waiting many years for this kinda speed.Now whats cool is COX making my connection faster and not charging me anything for this service,what makes this nice is it forces other ISP's to offer faster speeds to customers at a fair and inexpensive price. Then the race is on with even faster speeds from providers......I love this shit.....lol Microwave
  5. Welcome to the site, Iam happy to hear that your problem has been fixed. In my opinion its not unusual to have problems, the point is for a company to resolve the problem so you can get and enjoy what you pay for. With the good speeds that you now have this will be possible.....cool.....Keep testing and visiting the site and hope you enjoy:) Microwave
  6. scatrbrain, Welcome and great speeds:) Microwave
  7. scatrbrain, Welcome to the site hope you enjoy,nice to hear that COX is alive and well in other parts of the country......and your speeds are great:) which makes the net alot more fun(at least 4u....lol)keep visiting and tell your friends:) Microwave
  8. SGTGriff, Good luck I know this can be frustrating, but keep after them and let us know:) Microwave
  9. Choppy, Welcome to the site, nice score,hope you enjoy and keep testing and tell your friends about the cool site you found:) Microwave
  10. Supreme1, Your right that is a very nice upload score,have fun and enjoy:) Microwave
  11. Yes we have been enjoying the new speeds for a short while, the best part to me is I get extra speed and it didnt cost me anything:) Microwave
  12. I think I know this guy....lol Microwave
  13. Welcome to the site....to answer your question it looks like your getting what you pay for from your ISP....but you havent said if you have done any reg tweaks, although with Windows ME you are probally running as fast as you can or very close to it..I say that because Im guessing with that O.S. your puter is a few years old:) Microwave
  14. Swimmer, Good luck and dont be a stranger on the site, thanks for all your help:) Microwave
  15. Thats gotta be one of the schools computers....right??? Anyway ugh....maybe I could enroll and take a few classes.....lol..... lagtastik welcome and hope you enjoy the site:) Microwave
  16. Rogn38, Welcome to the site and your scores are great especially from that distance.That pgm that you used does work,for some, but there is free stuff out there that works as good if not better and it is possible to also make all those changes manually for someone that wants to tweak themselves....as long as you have a new good copy of your Reg you can make changes and if you have a problem you can always roll back.Hope you enjoy the site and keep visiting and tell your friends....... Microwave
  17. I removed sp2 for the same reason that Swimmer did, I don't find this unusual Microsoft has articles on people having troubles with sp1. In the article it says that 2 machines with the same O.S. can have different results when using these so called fixes. The only thing that stays the same is change!!! Microwave
  18. Cool one of the links is using Ca3le Guys speed tester.......Good idea why not use the best!! Microwave


    BCH, Did what VanBuren suggest help you ??? The link shows everything looks good (smiley faces) so let us know, and good luck:) Microwave
  20. I didnt get an email and it caught me by surprise.....but I sure like it:) Microwave
  21. NorCalWM, Your welcome and hope you keep coming back....Ca3le Guy has built a really nice site and we have some cool and smart members that post here. Someone else may post more ideas so stay tuned...I have heard this nightmare before when a signal has to travel so far many things can and do happen, and theres always the outside interference that can cause one to get gray hair before its time. Often I have seen problems to be the last thing you think it is, which makes matters worst...anyway good luck and hope you enjoy the site:) Microwave
  22. Grrrrrr, I want that.......lol.....real nice Microwave
  23. Yep, Im a happy COX user and its always been great.....but now its faster and better at the same price.......Coxs Rocks.......lol Microwave
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