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Everything posted by MICROWAVE
I do the same thing haha.....then if I think their to slow I tweak their shiz....Testmy.net RULZS..The rest of those sites should just give up!!!! microwave
Oh yeah sure did!!!! microwave
Rahid 905, That speed validation is real,sometimes stuff just flys..... Microwave
Jeeessus, Those 3 clips are amazingly fuc@#$g funny,how the hell did the guy in the dress keep a straight face.....I only have one problem with the 1st clip I think it should be named "A Man and HIS Machine"(rolling on the floor)I dont know what else to say except post more and off the hook.... Microwave
Well you sure got my attention! Microwave
All right, Welcome sin0cide, the world needs more Pimpster Pimps,ya had me a little worried at first.If your a friend of ca3le guy than your our friend also.Welcome to the best testing site on the INTERNET,cant wait to hear your views on the forum topics..You even got the three finger salute...haha Microwave
::: Download Stats ::: Connection is: 3921 Kbps about 3.9 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Download Speed is: 479 KB/sec Auth Code: 2058816 (validate a http://www.testmy.net) Bottom Line: 70 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.14 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?ta=&top=&num=2058816&kbps=3921&gen=gen&a=15.4285714285714&b=0&c=1145.14285714286 microwave I can get more than that!!
Man, Thats a great speed coming from the east coast...I feel the need for speed>>>> microwave
come back and post some more killer speeds... microwave
sin0cide, Remember big brother is always watching!!!! Microwave
Hey thats not very nice,try to be a little more friendly... keep posting and it will change! microwave
welcome, Its a computer project one of the guys is going to build... microwave
coolboy3003 Im waiting to see your posted speed. Microwave
yeah, You should be happy thats a killer speed!! Microwave
bertski, First what kind of connection do you have.....dial up,broadband,sat or? let us know and we will start from there. Microwave
coolboy3003, Try posting like this, copy and paste from the bottom. microwave ::: Download Stats ::: Connection is: 3844 Kbps about 3.8 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Download Speed is: 469 KB/sec Auth Code: 2057661 (validate a http://www.testmy.net) Bottom Line: 69 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.18 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?ta=1&top=blast&num=2057661&kbps=3844&gen=gen&a=14.2857142857143&b=0&c=1145.14285714286
coolboy3003, Also if you could post the validation link with speed test we could be impressed by that killer speed,cant wait for your next post~~~ Microwave
Gee, Can you post a couple more times Im having trouble verifying that speed... Thanks, microwave
If I remember correctly I think ca3le guy said that you gotta have a host to post pics,but Im not 100% sure ...... microwave
lorne, You are correct! Microwave
can I copy and paste 5x. microwave
Yea, I was just being a wise guy,I think its pretty cool it makes it so its not as straight laced or boring.Kinda like a lot of things that have their on language or code.Just another thing that makes the net so cool and versatile!! microwave
Wait a minute,where are you guys learning all this stuff...hehe grownups say kids never pay attention in school,and you cant learn anything on the internet.You only play games on computers so where did ya learn(looking confused) microwave
RaWDIZ There are many cable company's in the U.S.,some are better than others,Cox.Hsi which I have in Tucson AZ. is very good ,in fact its one of the best,if not the best.I base my opinion on my own experience and that of my friends and people I talk to all over.I know for certain that Cox cable is in Georgia,but I dont know if its in your community.I dont work for the cable co. so I'm not trying to give a sales pitch,I just think its a really good deal,for instance Most people pay around $20.00 a month for their ISP(AOL,MSN,etc...)thats for a slow ass dial up connection less than 56k.I pay $40.00 for COX HSI which is fast my advertised speed is 3000/256,but my download is faster than 3000 .they usually give me more bandwith than I pay for.Not only that but my service is good,the few problems Ive had were quickly resolved,and they have even helped me fix when it was my computer.Not bad free service,anyway the person who works for COX and owns this really cool accurate site(ca3le guy) can tell you more.I guess what I'm saying if you can afford broadband its the only way to fly in my opinion.The difference to me is like a Volkswagen and a porche.So there it is you decide,I think you will get some more opinions..... Microwave
Why thank you lorne. microwave