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Everything posted by MICROWAVE
D ca3le guy, I know its really tha sh@#$% I remember a couple of months ago I posted a HELLO thread to say wuz up out there! Its been to cool recently to watch all tha activity,cool ideas being "talked" about and massive amounts of gray matter being consumed.In my mind theres only one reason thats happening,cause this site is so trick,no BS nothin comes close on the net! There aint a site out there that comes close to being half as good as www.testmy.net SO every one should bookmark the new site and fasten your seat belts.BTW where is mrp ? Freezing his ass off in Sedonia?ha ha. cant wait to see it happen,thanks. D microwave
Oh suurree!!! microwave
) Guys, I was in Reno last month and a friend has that setup with the glow coolant, now I wasn't high or anything but I sure thought I was,, it kinda took me back to the black lite psychedelic days,its really hard to describe, if you haven't seen one ya gotta.(its worth the price of admission ha ha)my friend was also telling me about a different setup EVEN BETTER! a newer deal from someone,he is really into this stuff and its one of the coolest setups I have seen.Now if I could only talk the wife into a few mods.... microwave
Ah, Makes perfect sense to me, kinda split the difference and 12% for me is about my real TRuSPEED.Iam able to surmise from speeds before changes,anyway thanks for the info as always works perfect. D microwave Live long and prosper!!!
) ca3le guy, I noticed on this and a couple of other test my TRuSPEED was factored in at 12% I was under the impression that overhead was measured at 5%, (constant) no big deal but is it a changing Analise or should it always be the same. microwave Download Stats Connection is 3826 kbps about 3.8 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Download Speed is 467 Kb/sec Auth Code 2057391 (validate a http//www.testmy.net) Bottom Line 68 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.19 second(s) Validation Link http//testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?num=2057391&kbps=3826&gen=gen&a=4&b=0&c=1145.14285714286
The liquid nitro is very expensive IE used by military can be cooled with water also.it would depend on your setup.Remember water is pretty cool(science)it can be solid,liquid or gas at least thats what Mr. Wizard said.They also have a liquid which the CPU and all is immersed in this stuff. High dollar!military big co. etc.for super computers and the like.Thats why I said water although it can have problems its easier to work with.there are alot of ideas being floated but right now most are water cooled,although I'm not talking about an evaporated cooler like people have on their roofs ha ha. I may have some paper work on some methods I will try to find. BTW what the hell are you doing up so late? microwave
Well I think its always better to go liquid if ya can,liquid just has the capacity to keep everything at a cooler and more constant temp. little or no variation in comparison to fans.Like computer rooms that are always air conditioned,thats to save the wear and tear on the machines.(not just for techies to hang out)I was taught that temp variations can take half the life away from componets(hot)along with other things like humidity elevation etc.Supposedly airplanes are pressurized to stop destruction of things some PCB will be no good being in cargo hold at 35,000 feet without pressurization blah blah. microwave
lorne' I know what you mean by the time ya get a tech on the horn pphhfftt problem gone. Oh well!!! microwave
D lorne, Your welcome it was just a lucky guess.When all else fails start at the beginning,at least thats the way I was taught from a wise old sage ha ha.You'll do the same for someone. microwave^ "Live long and prosper"
Do you get free technical assistance from your ISP? If so it really sounds like some BS is going on with them. I have had a problem with Cox.hsi (not very often)and they help by reseting the modem etc. from their test board.As a matter of fact they have pointed problems on my PC and told me what to do to fix it.No shit and it was free he he.Really the testers at cox in Nevada(when I call)are really helpful and kool. ) microwave
lorne' Its somethin on your end I went rite there with your link!This may sound stupid but hsave you tryed reset computer and modem,maybe something in dns or your pc or whatever cant renew dns server etc. microwave
So what do you get when you type that do you get any info and then it stops or what? Let me know Ill try to help. microwave
The address bar up top, copy and paste it into your next post. for instance if I type www.testmy.net when you see it if you click on it you will be magically taken to that site.lol microwave
) Yeah lorne thats what I meant.Now what are or where are you trying to ping to? microwave
post a link I was just all over the place. Maybe something on your end.Maybe something with your firewall or that address is locked our etc.Let me know and post link please and i'll try. microwave
Check defrag but from your distance (the speed differences)its not too unusal. microwave
Yes they had server error its fixed now. microwave
what did you type in ?ya know did you tell it to ping 32 times for instance! m
sounds like you are being routed to some distant domain or server. Who is your IP again? do you know where your 1ST hop goes to? I use McAfee visual trace although there are freeware visual traces which makes it easy at lest for me. microwave
D I think alot of people appreciate the site but human nature is people being caught up in their own world, for instance I have thought many times the countless hours Damon spends making this site trick.But I also think there are a fair amount of people who think the deserve ever thing they get for free.I agree ca3le guy deserves our thanks,I have thanked him in the past. But I don't think thats why he does it,Ive never asked but my guess is he really enjoys doing this stuff.I also think he makes the INTERNET community better by his efforts. So many thanks Big "D" for your service to our community.(actually its yours) ha ha microwave
No shit,Damon hit the nail on the head.Man makes it,man breaks it, man figures out how to "cheat it.I did hear something about asus being merged but ya hear that kind of stuff all the time.Recently I had a 3 1/4 floppy that had a OS on it the idea being you could go to any PC and use the disk to surf I only used once and the PC ate the disk and I cant remember where I got it(pretty lame)But thats the kind of thinking that will kick ass. Ca3le guy is right its all political BS from microshaft.Scare tactic's,but I still like the OS I guess cause I'm familiar with it. microwave
) Iam familiar with Western and I think they are the best(Ford or Chevy)I have heard of atlas but don't know very much only what little I have read! western dig rules!!!(in my opinion) microwave
) lorne, that is the way you test,essentially you send a noise(ping)down the pipe it goes to the address then is sent back.Hence ping time!Although that is simplistic thats basically the drill.From your PC to wherever and back microwave PS but to calc your rwin I use speedguides TCP-IP Analyzer and OPTIMizer TCP.there are many to choose from but be careful you will get different advise from each,DR>TCP,Cablenut etc.as always its up to you.I think ca3le guy will let this post?I dont want to advertise for competition!! PPS If Im full of shit on any of this ca3le guy will fix it.
x Yeah, The time has come for Microsoft to TRY to stop whatever.I think we are just at the beginning,it will some day have to play out in the courts, (Piratecy...etc) they just may be trying to piss on my leg and tell me its raining.People may go back using older versions or some new free OS may be offered. It will be interesting to watch. I would like to see the courts say something like you bought it its yours you can copy put on several machines etc. as long as it wasn't sold for profit. Well maybe its just a pipe dream (not a crack pipe)ha ha microwave
) lorne' There are some very nice specs. posted here,good luck and cant wait to "listen" while you build it.You wont beleive the fun you will have. microwave^