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Everything posted by MICROWAVE
Shit I didnt get to vote!ahh nothin would of changed anyway! "the wave"
Man double upload is cool. Thats about my up in Tucson,Az. with cox cable keep testing. ) microwave
roll !!ugh oh you got whuped fair and square,not by me though! come back and play some more why don't ya. ) We enjoy the good natured competition. microwave
evil , who and with what are you flying with? Post again and let us know your pedigree. microwave
evil son of a~~ I would give my left nut for that kinda SPEED, only cause I dont use it for much of anything else. microwave cry
only 500(just bustin chops)thanks for the new stuff.Looks cool! Microwave
ca3le guy, I am glad to see no more ghosting, I for one am interested from whom and where the msgs. come from. "The Wave" "Live long and Prosper"
Man, To have those speeds on a regular bases is kick ass, I'm glad to hear its cox cable, I can only hope it(cox)will get that fast in Tucson,AZ. Microwave
ok lets play! Download Stats Connection is 5235 kbps about 5 Mbps (tested with 579 KB) Download Speed is 639 Kb/sec Auth Code 2078526 (validate a http//www.testmy.net) Bottom Line 93 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2 second(s) Validation Link http//testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check_dn.cgi?num=2078526&kbps=5235&gen=gen twisted The wave shall return!!!!!
Alright Ill try to play along! Download Stats Connection is 4596 kbps about 5 Mbps (tested with 579 KB) Download Speed is 561 Kb/sec Auth Code 2068941 (validate a http//www.testmy.net) Bottom Line 82 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2 second(s) Validation Link http//testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check_dn.cgi?num=2068941&kbps=4596&gen=gen Ill be right back. microwave
I think they put up the other numbers for fun kinda like throwing at the dart board. I guess their suggestions may help some people! microwave
Newly formated HD and all tweaked up. Download Stats Connection is 4596 kbps about 5 Mbps (tested with 579 KB) Download Speed is 561 Kb/sec Auth Code 2068941 (validate a http//www.testmy.net) Bottom Line 82 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2 second(s) Validation Link http//testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check_dn.cgi?num=2068941&kbps=4596&gen=gen formated HD and all tweaked up. microwave
Ca3le guy thats why you and your site are very cool because of your outlook on what the net is and should be.I would be honored to be one of the first members of TAP!IT or SLAP!T when its up and running.I'm sure with you and mrp working together the site will be a blast! Again thanks for your hard work and dedication to the net> con respecto, microwave
evil As I'm sure many people are aware of, today one of those testing sites that will remain unnamed has started to charge $.99 usd per month for only 100 test.Maybe its just me but I think they are a bunch of "asswipes" because this site is way more accurate, better, and easier to use. Best of all its still free.Well I just thought I'd give my nickles worth,I could be wrong.Any feedback would be nice,Ca3le guy did all this hard work on this site for the good of the INTERNET,and no this is not a commercial cause I don't know him personally. Anyway what do you think? MICROWAVE idea
shock That sucks but I believe it can be corrected I have cox.net in Tucson and I'm really happy with my svc. I talked my friend into changing to cox and there were some problems in the beginning but they were fixed. I felt like shi@$!@ when my friend was having trouble but I knew there was a solution we just had to keep after it.Hang in there and let us know. microwave
D Thanks ca3le guy I needed that.Its hard being a PimP without my title.ha ha microwave
Download Stats Connection is 4423 kbps about 4 Mbit Download Speed is 540 Kb/sec Auth Code 2066346 (validate a http//www.testmy.net) Bottom Line 79 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2 second(s) D I just love cox.net in Tucson Az. microwave
o ca3le guy...... now im sad i was getting used to the winner screen i just thought it was my lucky day or something.we did notice the improvements thanks.glad google is helping to pay the rent. microwave
cry ca3le guy thats not fair you work for cox in Phx. lucky for me I live in Tucson and use cox,although I would never do any thing or advise anyone to do anything unethicial there are still ways to milk every ounce of bandwidth and still surf below the radar.Im not sure if some things are worth the effort though.I know the rules are for everyone and for the protection of the customer and the vendors but it sure is fun to think about things and to go right up to the line without crossing.Thats why its good that when the speed limit on I.S. 10 is 75mph you can fudge a little ,like maybe 81mph and the DPS guys dont take much notice, especially if you have a radar detector. Im glad I play by the rules ?? It is nice that you take the time to warn folks. As always I enjoy this site(within limits that is ha ha) thanks for your hard work. Microwave cry
There are many downloads to improve speed,I was able to boost my speed by about 50% with a new pc.As has been pointed out some of the shi@#$% out there can kill your speed,as long as you have a GOOD copy of the reg you can tweak all u want.Have fun do lots of testing and you should be able to make it a "hot rod" no matter what the speed is.In years past my friend and I were able to make a 56k about 20% faster than most said was possible(just to prove a point) To me the fun has been being told u cant do that and trying anyway,sometimes they were right but not always,and I hade a lot of fun and learned alot in the mean time. Microwave ) P.S. have a good copy of the Reg or u are in deep do do.
Yea looking good D Need to cut and paste? Easy with this. Download Stats Connection is 4277 kbps about 4 Mbit Download Speed is 522 Kb/sec Auth Code 2064156 (validate a http//www.testmy.net) Bottom Line 76 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2 second(s)
D go for it mrp,now make that thing scream happy surfing. microwave
? mrp does that mean when you get your new internet connection that you wont visit us any more?I hope not. Be careful speed can be very dangerous, those jpegs etc load fast lol,good luck on your new financial endevour make plenty of cash&have fun spending!! (need a helper-oh I forgot im retired!)microwave lol
oops Thanks ca3le guy for the promotion to pimpster,Its the 1st promo Ive had in a long time.I really enjoy the site. microwave