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Blunted 2

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Everything posted by Blunted 2

  1. i didnt wait that long and reinstalled the OS right away. lol
  2. i cant wait for the 50/50 package to come out
  3. Buddies CA3LE cholla DjVaGGo Shug7272 Sparticus013 Swimmer tdawnaz tommie gorman Voltageman waterRTBH Xx Mazza xX
  4. http://www.cablenut.com/ CableNut https://www.speedguide.net/downloads.php TCP Optimizer
  5. Edit Buddies Name Status Email ICQ AIM YIM MSN Your buddy list is currently empty :shocked:
  6. Blunted 2


    you should have alot of settings to mess with then so try it out a bit and see what happens.
  7. Blunted 2


    depending on your video card you might have some settings to clear it up a little and adjust the color but it wont be much better and shug i want a cookie
  8. Blunted 2


    do i get a cookie for being right?
  9. someone just rang my doorbell and i'm scared to awnser !!
  10. Blunted 2


    EDTV is 640 X480 and thats the lowest HDTV resolution and once i got mine i was shocked at how nice it was.
  11. well its only like that if you dont know what your doing but alot of people like myself would see it or make sure its closed. i think most of the people on here would have it closed.
  12. :shocked: Cable i sent you a pm about the ping and trace route not working please fix it cause its been like that a while and i sent more than 1 PM to you.
  13. Blunted 2


    it usually doesnt look to good unless you have an HDTV. i had the same problem and think about looking at your comp monitor with a resolution less than 640 X 480.
  14. hope it works for ya i have to hook mine up and see how it looks with DVI
  15. my sister went there at 4 am cause the stores opened at 5am where she went. she got everything she wanted
  16. i'm not sure but you can read some of this and it might help you http://www.datapro.net/techinfo/dvi_info.html#Page06 http://www2.dvigear.com/faq.html http://www.ramelectronics.net/html/DVI_info.html
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