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Blunted 2

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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by Blunted 2

  1. where do you live? i live in nyc and get better speeds to there than to seattle speakeasy speed test so its accurate for me. i get better test results to testmy.net also cause its closer (Texas).
  2. i hope it works out i'll tell cable about the 5 mb file not getting the results
  3. still thats a very cool setup and looks very organized
  4. it still looks good and higher than the average for your isp by almost 100% cant complain about that right? what is your advertised speeds
  5. yea i know but its upto us to point him in the right direction and if he doesnt do enough for you then back off and let someone else take it. thats what i would do
  6. yea man this site always runs good for me and its on a major backbone so it has to be stable
  7. what name and password you want and i'll make it that
  8. user is the username and password is the password lol
  9. did you try the new name and password i pm'ed you with
  10. yes thats the smart ftp program then when its installed you put your name and password on top that i sent you. pic below
  11. i pm'ed you with how to get in so other people dont try to get in.
  12. this is my other ftp site so download whicever one you want but i like smart ftp. http://eebobb.shackspace.com/File%20Sharing tell me when you done and i'm making your name and password now
  13. do you have a ftp client so you can log into my ftp? if not i will give you one
  14. i'm gonna be on and off the comp but will be here a few more hours and when i see a post by you i will try to help you out whatever it may be. do you have aim and i can upload a file to you and max that out cause i have 2000 upload and we can see the speed then.
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