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Blunted 2

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Everything posted by Blunted 2

  1. control panel>>>performance and maintence>>>administrative tools>>>event viewer
  2. call your isp and they can tell you your exact distace to the central office.
  3. got it bro tomorrow it will be on if you pass your test. lol i want screenshots joking
  4. check your logs and it might say something about a program or operating system that shut down. any errors should be in there or have something that caused it. if not it might be a hardware problem
  5. you can alway try to mess around yourself or just post up something if you have a question and someone will be glad to help you. what internet company do you have and how much do you pay for it?
  6. well most people on here like some mods say between 150 and 300 ms so i went in middle of that and gave 225
  8. http://www.speakeasy.org/~eebobb/
  9. already has it on there thanks tho
  10. routers do that sometimes but try it without it and see what you get. remember its cable and not stable like some dsl and fiber connections cause your sharing it with other people downloading at over 10 to 15+ mb so you get the idea. i dont get my full all the time and definitly not during the day.
  11. it is but still works cause its a trial and this crap cost alot if you goto the site so i'm not buying it :haha: click start
  12. i'm gonna setup video streaming to see what it can do when i have time. i wanna know what
  13. :icon_pale:
  14. can anyone who wants to please goto this link and start the speed test and do it a few times i want to rape this line and see what happens. the test automaticly runs 5 times in a row with a few seconds between and i want to see what it can handle or if it will slow down or not. http://www.speakeasy.org/~eebobb/myspeed/myspeed/continuous.html
  15. i'll dos attack them with all 3 of my connections
  16. oh Sh!T i remember i did all the scans the other night and wondered what the hell is goin on. lol delete this post if you want mods
  17. and why is sygate doing this?
  18. nah the cpu isnt fast enough cause i see it loading slow
  19. i only get about 200 kb on it though
  20. yay
  21. let me know how it works cause this is the old 1000/10000 setting wiith a higher recieve and send windows sorry about the double it messed up
  22. let me know how it works cause this is the old 1000/10000 setting wiith a higher rwin
  23. i went here to make it http://www.j79zlr.com/cablenutXP2k.php
  24. i dont know why it didnt post a pic
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