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Blunted 2

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Everything posted by Blunted 2

  1. download cablenut and get the settings from voltageman who also has 30/5 and get like 29000 down and about 4600 up. just send him a pm and ask him. he's cool and will definitly help you out
  2. your will be for bubba :haha:
  3. i'm gonna see if i can make my that other speed test that i put on my ftp like this speed test and donate it all to testmy.net and see whats up
  4. i dont see what the problem is but i'm gonna ask cable if i can and tell him my friend will add testmy.net to his site. i am also gonna build a site or 2 cause i have the webspace and servers already just sitting there so testmy.net will also be linked there.
  5. this isnt advertising this is helping someone and i think he was talking about me posting my friends site on here but if he thinks so he can pm me cause i know the mods dont think i am here to cause trouble and most people see i'm just trying to help
  6. yea i know but your speeds are garrenteed and any cable isp isnt garrenteed its up to( ) but its decent
  7. aol is like legal spyware lol
  8. dont use aim its basically showing aol what your transfering so try a ftp or a file sharing program. goto http://eebobb.shackspace.com/File%20Sharing and try digi-secret. i like it you can find it at the main site also http://www.tamos.com/products/digisecret/
  9. there ok but not great and i dont have to call them unless it doesnt work but it runs great for me for the $45 price for the 2/30 package but the most i hit to here was a bit over 22,000 kb and hit 26,000 to speakeasy most of the time. i also get 1,700 to 1,900 upload to any site i test at so its good but i would take the business plan for fios. i would get a 5/30 and a 5/5 if it was here. 1 for hosting and 1 for whatever.
  10. i want it but cant get it yet even tho verizon is my phone provider
  11. it didnt post right oops but here it is
  12. hey i was right it is the default recieve and send window as you can see below
  13. i think i got it but give me 5 minutes and i'll have your awnser
  14. yea something is up with your test to here but do you have a firewall on ?
  15. 1.3ghz celeron 256 ram crap video and i forgot what else but it sucked
  16. i guess when your speeds go over your now advertised speeds
  17. i think thats the default recieve window so change it smaller or larger to test it out.
  18. i forgot what program it is but i used 1 a while ago that tells you how fast everything is in your computer. i think it was everest but i'm not sure and i'll look in a little while if you need help
  19. something is wrong then cause its double the speed so try a speakeasy speed test from atlanta since i think thats the closest 1 to you. www.speakeasy.net/speedtest
  20. yea he went to school for alot of this and can build some sick stuff so any questions you have ask him cause he's the expert on it.
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