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Blunted 2

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Everything posted by Blunted 2

  1. thanks as soon as its up i'll post speeds and equipment we used to get it done and what we are doing to keep everyone else off of it and secure.
  2. :haha:
  3. this is even harder to get than regular dsl cause you have to be very close to the central office and i would get it but my area says i have to be at 1000 feet or under to get it but if i was close enough i would get 3 mb upload and 25 mb download. also it might be different in some area's but i am pretty sure it can go past 30 mb download.
  4. runs away :haha:
  5. thank you bro some people just post before asking why it was posted and no i'm not trying to show off or anything but i actually like to help people on here as much as possible.
  6. did you use fasterfox? it really helps alot and i used other registry tweaks for it and mine is way faster.
  7. did you get my pm cable? i dont know if this would work in my case but we can try and its free bandwidth for tests
  8. i have no problems editing my posts
  9. i tried opera and dont like it and i think its slower than firefox unless there is some tweaking you can do to it like firefox.
  10. all speakeasy sites can also handle it with ease since i see fios always hitting cap on it with the 30 mb plan and i also hit 27000 on there
  11. it does say it is but it is for some not all and different comps get different results like me. i get the fastest results with firefox
  12. Yezzz its on FIRE :haha:
  13. if you explore your bound to find something bad
  14. i cant remember but its been over 1 year easy but i think it was version 0.5 or 7. dont remember but now i have 1.5
  15. hmmm i use tham and some work better than others but its best if he gives it a shot
  16. ^^^knows the deal:)
  17. goto http://www.j79zlr.com/cablenutXP2k.php for win XP and 2000 and goto http://www.j79zlr.com/cablenutME98.php for win 95, 98 and ME if you want to try to tweak it out yourself. it doesnt hurt to try it out and i think thats the best way to learn it by trial and error
  18. get fasterfox if you dont already have it and it might improve it more and load pages faster http://fasterfox.mozdev.org/
  19. did you try cablenut? i see your 3 posts are in this thread only
  20. i hate IE and tried opera but i love firefox the best and have so many plugins for it that help it to be the best for me.
  21. unplug your modem and router and wait a minute then plug your modem in and then the router
  22. i'll just wait till a mod tells me exactly what it does before i do anything but it probably wont be till i get my new comp and this 1 wont be used much.
  23. what exactly do you have to do when you join? what does your comp do?
  24. i was gonna donate a whole pc but it just so happens it fried on me. now when i buy a new comp i will use my old 1 to do it.
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