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Blunted 2

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Everything posted by Blunted 2

  1. here is my 15/2 settings
  2. you might need more like i said or just some of them are harder to be taken down or just need way more but i use 7 echo-udp and it takes most of them down in a few seconds.
  3. gimme a few minutes to get on the xbox dash if you still need help with it
  4. if i'm not mistaken win firewall only blocks incoming connections not outgoing but i could be wrong.. not positive
  5. i dont like them anymore but had faith in them in the past but i'm goin to kaspersky which has 2 scanning engines not 1 like norton. my friend told me alot about this and i want to but it.
  6. hey scruff how many can you get cause mine offers 252 ip's
  7. :cool:
  8. your not going to get much higher cause not all of opt online has been upgraded and is still being worked on and tested so wait a while and it might go up after all has be completed. but for now try changing the Default Receive Window (RWIN) to 1027840 and the GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize to 128480 and TcoWindowSize to 128480. the only thing different from the old cablenut optonline settings is the 921600 is bumped upto 102780. if it doesnt work you can go bac to your old settings. good luck
  9. well join up cause its free and you can learn how to make your own antenna's and modify linksys and other name brand routers and stuff to be alot better and do alot more than they can do now.
  10. thanks for anyone who joined my friends site and for anyone new please take a look if your into wireless a bit cause he has some cool stuff and will help you build your own stuff.
  11. it took quite a bit for them all to finish, maybe 30 minutes
  12. yea one of them took quite a bit for it to complete and there is 5.
  13. all the tests took a bit but try them out
  14. owned
  15. i passed all the tests there and every port was stealth
  16. also my connections read 4 in and 4 out with nothing connected and mine does not do that so something is not right with yours. to stop that goto network settings and put an x on all kerio personal firewall and when you update which wont be many more cause its being dis-continued just switch to another firewall. anyway here is my connections just sitting on the net.
  17. well i have kerio personal firewall and its good if you set it up right but if setup wrong its an open door. also if you read some of kerio.com kerio ersonal firewall is gonna be dis-continued at the end of december and i now use win route firewall.
  18. or major packet loss
  19. i'll take a look at that
  20. till i get my dual processor ;)
  21. i used to also till m city went nuts and got destroyed. lol i'll check out BF 2 for pc as soon as i have time to goto the mall
  22. lests put this back on top
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