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Everything posted by tonyswhirl

  1. It is an average of dsl and fios and dsl has a bigger part of the total 1000 dsl at avg 2.5 2 fios at 30 scews the percents
  2. Here is an excellent ad blocker http://www.spamblocked.com/proxomitron/ been using it for years works great with ie ff or opera
  3. http://money.cnn.com/2005/10/06/technology/isps.reut/index.htm
  4. go to tools - options - tabbed browsing - want you want to do is possible and makes browsing more enjoyable because you can just center click and read at your liesure as the focus does not change - you can also put the tabs on the bottom which I think is nicer - also you can download a lot of tabbed browsing extensions which do almost anything you can imagine.
  5. I must be missing something - I use ff and middle click on the things I want to see. I then go back and look at each tab and when done click on the close box which never moves. I can open 30 windows and read each one, and then close it without moving the mouse. I can look at things a lot faster and with less trouble then using IE. For ex I can middle click on all posts on a forum page and go back and read each one in about a tenth of the time that it would take to do it with IE. I have been using ff for a few years. Also Opera is better then ff and IE. I do not understand why anybody would use IE except the 1 site in 25000 that does not work with ff
  6. http://www.mcall.com/news/local/all-a1_5pploct04,0,5838445.story?coll=all-news-hed
  7. Opera is now free with no ads - I use firefox and really like it - but opera has all the same features + Speed I think is about the same or better
  8. opera is free now with no ads (opera.com) It makes IE look like a joke search for proxomitron for a good popup blocker
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