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Everything posted by tonyswhirl

  1. If you have access to your phone box check that the wires are not corroded and that they are tight - check all the wires you can. also try a differant wire if you have one. tight and clean connections can make a big differance in connect speeds
  2. It is ok for me
  3. Do not exactly underatand what the problem is.
  4. "There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats." - Albert Schweitzer Dogs are cool too - probably best to have a few of each
  5. no worries about Beligium - it does not exist http://zapatopi.net/belgium/
  6. http://www.wunderground.com/wximage/viewimages.html great site to upload and view photos - all catagories of pics great weather site also
  7. No one in their right mind would IE - give me an example of where IE is quicker or more powerfull the ff - I can browse 5 sites to your one and thats the name of the game.
  8. This goes beyond information - it is just plain ff bashing - must be written by some ie freak see highlights The Mozilla Foundation may have just released its latest update to the popular Firefox browser, but some users say their patience with the software's flaws is beginning to wear thin. where did this come from???? One issue that has been getting attention since the Wednesday release of Firefox 1.5 is a bug that causes Mac OS X systems to use 100 percent of available processor resources in some cases, such as when scrolling in some Web-based applications (such as Google Maps) and holding down the mouse button. The bug has been known since before the release of Firefox 1.0, but has never been fixed, critics noted. (The Mozilla project has assigned the issue bug no. 141710.) Another specific gripe is the lack of Acid2 compliance. Acid2 is a test from the Web Standards Project (WaSP) designed to test a browser's support for W3C standards such as CSS1, HTML4 and PNG. Most browsers - including IE and Opera - admit they won't pass Acid2 for some time; for example Microsoft has said IE 7 won't pass. Others said Firefox 1.5 introduced new glitches. Issues mentioned by users after their first few hours with Firefox 1.5 included the "reload" button disappearing, a bug with selected text, problems with cookie management, keyboard shortcuts being randomly disabled, and a Mac-specific problem with the URL window. Firefox has had increasingly serious issues with security as its user base has exploded. Among this year's flaws was a highly dangerous one ironically leaving Windows and IE untouched while affecting Firefox and Linux. Another flaw involving IDN parsing required a patch to be rushed out. A report from Symantec revealed that nearly twice as many flaws had been discovered in Firefox as in Explorer over the first six months of this year. gimme a break
  9. I have a cat named emily - emily jane - and there is also spooker and blackie and mama cat and scruffer and phoenix and sunny they all came around as strays - 2 live outside - I lived in a wooded area Now there is no more room at the inn the next one who comes is gona be named mosi which is Navajo for cat I usually wait until the great spirit reveals their true name Like sunny is sunny cause she walked in on the first sunny day in 14
  10. ".I'll be starting a new 12-step program for those who think they may have a problem ~ free of charge. We'll meet here for 12 hours a day and discuss any developmental problems, including attention deficit disorder and/or the lack of real social skills, that others may think you are experiencing. Some of the symptoms of an Internet Addict are ~ talking to your computer and not being able to focus on what any other person around you is muttering to you ~ trying to steal your attention. Groups will meet as soon as you get up in the morning. . .and don't worry about when they will end, I can almost guarantee this will be a life long therapy session." Love to but cant make it - I'll be surfing the web
  11. Yeah their faces dont look like they are feeling that bad - one who knows
  12. Oh no - it was not a reply to you - I just though it was funny and posted it - nothing to do with anyone except ms I guess -
  13. there is an old story about a pilot lost in the fog while trying to get to the Seattle airport. He cant see a thing as he flys through it then spots a very tall expensive building. He opens his cockpit window and yells at a figure in the window..... "WHERE AM I????" The man in the window yells back..... "YOU"RE IN AN AIRPLANE"!!! The pilot closes the window, sets a heading to 233 degrees, begins his decent and makes a perfect landing at the airport. His co-pilot is astonded, "how did you do that???" The pilot says, "Remember that guy I asked that question to? He gave me completely correct information that was completely useless to me, that means that building must be the Microsoft Tech Support Headquarters and from there, the airport is 233 degrees heading and 3 miles out".
  14. it is not me - i know a guy that had 95000 songs 5 years ago told me he dont even think about gigabytes - he thinks terabytes i got an old laptop with a 6gig hard drive
  15. The cruise ship that got attacked by pirates a few weeks ago used a sound weapon to make them go away. http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/africa/11/07/somalia.pirates.sonic.ap/
  16. the trouble with people who dont drink is that when they get up in the morning thats the best they are going to feel all day
  17. Well it will be interesting and I think an excellent idea - somewhere out there is a young Einstein or Marie Curie http://www.macobserver.com/article/2005/11/14.4.shtml
  18. If ms gives them an operating system they might just as well toss the computers in a trash can. If you are talking about some poor kid sitting on top of a garbage dump you are going to need an os that works on top of a garbage dump - not one that has 9000 differant start up problems and tuning parms. It has to has a simple os that works and not one that you spend half your time trying to get it to work and the other half maintening it. I think this just about makes ms out of the picture. think about it - I got enough problems wirh ms at my kitchen table - let alone sitting in a third world country somewhere. This is not an attack against ms just the simple truth. Imagine handing a kid a crank up laptop with an ms os and say go ahead learn something
  19. go away - go get attention someplace else -
  20. you are supposed to be able to do that in explorer under properites also, but the file does not show it is read only I was going to suggest that until I tried it
  21. the time will come when those sites that use ms propertary technology will have to change or die kina like what is happening to ms html was not invented by gates -he just refuses to abide by any standard the company is on its deathbed and does not know it yet
  22. I would not think there is such a program just play around with my ideas and hopefully if the files are not password protected they will work
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