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Everything posted by water

  1. Couple corrections: They never solicit the perv's. The volunteers from Perverted Justice actually just sit there in chat rooms and wait for the sicko's to contact them. There have been four televised so far but I'm told there is another one just done and being edited. www.perverted-justice.com has been doing this for years, and they are nearing 100 busts. Most of them not televised, just people volunteering to help out and get Law Enforcement involved.
  2. I asked Ruined Saint to play it for me, you can get his details from our site babe I'm off to bed
  3. shush bitch - you LOVE the lion king songs
  4. LOL cutie just shut up and enjoy the music
  5. http://albinoblacksheep.com/flash/posting.php nuff said!
  6. That's not what you said when I showed you that movie with me and ... ... I said that outloud didn't I?
  7. You're right, there is a ton of material about it though - when I saw the movie for the first time, I started researching because I was taken with it.
  8. Yes Ryan, loosely based of course, to make it more interesting for a commercial purpose. Google V for Vendetta, the movie page takes you to a lot of other sites.
  9. LOL no, I can't - but I have a couple others coming up later. Did you really like it?
  10. Hey I started Halloween last night Roco, don't feel bad.... you're in the future.... with me!
  11. I would if I had it babes. how about AFI: Miss Murder?
  12. LOL You are sadistic! and you know I love it. hope the music is good for you
  13. sorry guys, fell asleep but I'm back up and spinning
  14. I don't consider 45 pages a short story, but I DID finish it (with the same "attitude" I started it with!) and dangit - that was LONG!
  15. LOL - thanks - now I need a cup of tea! (my throat hurts)
  16. LOL - it is really him. can't help ya though, it is what it is *off to DJ more*
  17. LOL - I'm live now, show starts in half an hour oh boooyyyyyyyyy!
  18. Don't forget guys, the Halloween show starts tonight, tune in at 7, while I'm awake and before I turn into a Zombie!
  19. This topic has been moved to HELP! With Other Stuff. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=16752.0[/iurl]
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