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Everything posted by disturbed

  1. depending in which service area you are and how many ppl are on that node
  2. but the good thing is that, after doing both of these tests they say the same thing about me - i look at the big picture i totally agree with that, ive been known to do that all the time
  3. 148 classic 133 super iq test and yeah...the super iq test was not really harder, but trickier which i think is the reason why people actually score worse on it
  4. Aleksandar, your Super IQ score is 133 The way you think about things makes you an Intuitive Interpreter. This means you are a highly conceptual thinker. Rather than focusing on facts and figures, you look at the big picture. You are less inclined to need to walk through something step by step to understand the logic behind it. This also lets you make connections between something you learned three weeks ago and something you are learning today. While other people need those types of connections pointed out for them, you just naturally make them.
  5. just about now ready to take the super iq test...will post results when im done
  6. disturbed

    Count post no!

    great addition
  7. visual mathematician just like me
  8. i just did a search for IQ and found the classic one
  9. *Blako* my education and age ? im 21, and junior in college (computer systems engineering) - but if u dont mean to ask me that, never mind this post
  10. sweet...so to read war and peace it would take you practically your whole life LOL - or longer
  11. heheh lol
  12. Congratulations, Aleksandar! Your IQ score is 148 This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others. Your Intellectual Type is Visual Mathematician. This means you are gifted at spotting patterns
  13. i kinda disagree with that idea....I see you are both fairly new to these forums - I think this forum has survived this long because people find useful information on it, guides, help when having trouble with broadband....just my thoughts about it *edit: by adding such sections to this forum, it kinda slowly moves its purpose away and it becomes an all around forum, which isnt really a good thing...
  14. *gets into his detective suite* and says: playing those word games and stuff is just an excuse to get the post count up :haha:
  15. fedora and mandrake
  16. just wondering if anybody had any - im in arizona
  17. that is..im assuming thats ur evo on the picture hehe
  18. http://www.azlancers.net/ check it out - its a lancer / evo community in arizona - we do stuff together
  19. speedy...im in phx arizona...ever heard of azlancers ?
  20. clear them out...most of the O type objects can be delted safely - well at least removed temporarily
  21. i run xp pro and linux mandrake
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