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Everything posted by disturbed

  1. thats kinda relative
  2. i say god bless not america but every one of us .... you can't forget the fact that america wouldnt be what it is if it wasn't for foreign people
  3. what kind of tags does php take ? im having troubles organizing the data ?
  4. well after playing with it....i have gotten it to work to some extent - although now im having troubles organizing everything in tables ...... well, at least i have gotten past the mysql problems
  5. no....doesn't seem to be working
  6. ill give it a try right now
  7. there is no possible way you can run a 16 man cs server on that, let alone a web server along with that - its a ridiculous idea - you can get 5 dollar per month hosting nowdays that has all you need....don't even kid your self
  8. In theory this should work .... shouldnt it ? - but no, all it does is just display a blank white page...
  9. yeah....im aware of that .... i was trying to use a php serverside script - the script goes something like the following <?php header("Content-type: text/xml"); $host = "localhost"; $user = "edited"; $pass = "edited"; $database = "edited"; $linkID = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die("Could not connect to host."); mysql_select_db($database, $linkID) or die("Could not find database."); $query = "SELECT * FROM `formNo1` WHERE 1"; $resultID = mysql_query($query, $linkID) or die("Data not found."); $xml_output = "<?xml version="1.0"?>n"; $xml_output .= "<entries>n"; for($x = 0 ; $x < mysql_num_rows($resultID) ; $x++){ $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultID); $xml_output .= "t<entry>n"; $xml_output .= "tt<date>" . $row['date'] . "</date>n"; // Escaping illegal characters $row['text'] = str_replace("&", "&", $row['text']); $row['text'] = str_replace("<", "<", $row['text']); $row['text'] = str_replace(">", ">", $row['text']); $row['text'] = str_replace(""", """, $row['text']); $xml_output .= "tt<text>" . $row['text'] . "</text>n"; $xml_output .= "t</entry>n"; } $xml_output .= "</entries>"; echo $xml_output; ?>
  10. for hosting like a low player counter strike server, ud be safe.....i have done it before, and it worked out fine.....for something like a ftp server / web server ? - i wouldnt even think about it...
  11. just place data into a webpage
  12. I'm not very skilled in working with mysql, but i try I would really appreciate anyone willing to help me with this, its not really hard, but i still dont know how to do this.... I have a mysql database I want to print stuff out off - its simply a collection of data - so how would i go about printing this out in a webpage ?
  13. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?item=N82E16820145450 this one is great - i have it...its awesome and well worth the money
  14. yeah...thats what im thinking
  15. ......my friend has verizon dsl and she's connecting via westell versalink modem (spell check !?) - and anyway - she's going hard wired - but it seems that it blocks ports, she can't really connect to the net using some applications....how would we go about fixing this ?
  16. talk about an off topic discussion...geez.....let me remind you what this thread is all about: gas prices LOL - anyway....whats the status right now ? has it gone up some more...i think the prices in phoenix were steady today, i didnt see any changes since yesterday
  17. heheh y
  18. it truly sux...i heard its about 5.50 in georgia
  19. .....gas prices are increasing without bound here in phoenix, az today @ 3pm being 2.90 for the cheapest (87) brand
  20. cuz nobody has guts to regulate that LOL
  21. just for the hack of it ... i thoguht id update the verizon people that my friend has finally gotten verizon dsl up and running (yesterday) - and it looks very promising.... 2.8 download and half a mb for upload very good
  22. well i had the same case scenario earlier, and as it turns out the outlet signal was bad and also the splitter (if you use it for more than one coaxial on the same outlet) needed to be replaced.......in certain cases ive experienced very very slow connections just by using two coaxial cables (because i didnt have the one that was long enough lOL) and connecting them together with some kind of an adapter .......usually replacing that part (under 5 dollars) would fix the problem for me
  23. it woudlnt be an upgrade.....like he said...a speedburts or you simply have a great connection
  24. ive been using torrentspy for ages if you use it correctly, you dont have anything to worry about but some torrents are monitored (as a trap i guess) so be careful
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